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The next dance class quickly arrived and the two boys didn't even dare to look at each other. Sometimes they glanced at the other but quickly looked away not wanting the other to know.

When the class was over,  Taehyung went to Jimin.

"Umh Jimin ? Can i talk to you for a min?"

"yeah sure"

They stepped aside to be able to talk without anyone hearing them.

"I don't think this is going to work out, i think we should both go back to our lives and just-"

"yeah" interrupted Jimin, "you're right, i thought the same, it was nice meeting you again taehyung but we're both so different"

"i still care about you though so take care of you"

"i will, and you too taetae"

Taehyung left as soon as they finished talking. They both realized that the conversation was too quick and straightforward which meant they had both already prepared their 'speeches'.

Jimin stayed a bit more, wanting to practice with Hoseok, but he wasn't fully focused and his best friend quickly noticed it.

"jimin? you okay ?"

"yeah, yeah of course why wouldn't i be ?"

"i don't know you seem a bit off"

"yeah i'm a bit tired and well, taehyung will never become my friend so i'm a bit sad but i'm good ! it's all fine i'll be better tomorrow"

"you can go home if you want to i'll just practice alone"

"i don't want to leave you" he didn't want to leave his friend alone just because his heart was broken, without any valid reason. I didn't lose him because i didn't even have him in the first place so why does it hurt this much? he asked himself

"go home, you're tired". answered Hoseok.


"I'm sad." said Taehyung, the room was completely silent as his two friends were each focused on their own things when he spoke up.

"what? why ?" asked Jungkook.

"I thought Jimin and I were soulmates, even if i kept saying i don't believe in that, i did actually, but it looks like we're not after all"

"it's okay to be sad, you'll be better soon, and we're here for you" replied Yoongi.


Few days passed and Jimin was at the usual cafe while waiting for his friends to finish their school day. He was calmly reading a book while sipping his vanilla coffee when he felt the urge to look up. And of course, the blue haired man was standing in front of him, with his two friends, Jungkook and Yoongi.

When he turned around, he noticed him and smiled, of course Jimin returned the smile, both had a shy and awkward smile.

Jimin's heart broke a bit more, is this how we're gonna greet each other now ? he thought.

Taehyung thought the same thing, was this awkward and uncomfortable smile become their usual way to acknowledge each other ?


It stayed like that for weeks. Weeks of them acknowledging each other in the beginning and then not even smiling at each other, as if they didn't know each other.


"so, as you're a group of 16, you can form 4 groups of 4, i'll be waiting for the groups for next class, for now, enjoy your evening kids we'll see each other next week" said the dance teacher before dismissing them.

"we don't really know them so let's just wait for the two people who will be alone at the next class" suggested Jungkook.

"yeah sure let's do that" replied Taehyung.

And of course, next class arrived, and the only people left were .... Hoseok and Jimin.

an "oh no" escaped Jimin's lips when he realized he would be working with Taehyung.

"why is this always happening to me, it ain't fair it's like the universe wants me to suffer" he continued.

"oh come on, you're both grown and dance is the only thing you both like so it's not that bad actually, you don't have to be friends, just acquaintances who practice together" replied Hoseok before joining his new partners.

The first group work consisted of small exercises to get to know the partners and learn to trust each other.

Jimin and Taehyung were uncomfortable for the whole class, asking the universe why it had to be them.

Once the class was over they parted ways and finally breathed.

"It'll get better with time, well, it has to because i'm not dancing with the both of you if you're not comfortable, i saw you Jimin, you weren't even 50% as good as you usually are." said Hoseok while they were walking back home.

"i'm sorry, i'll try to be better" replied the younger man, a bit ashamed, this shouldn't affect his dancing, and yet, it does.

"it's okay, i understand, just try to make some effort you know how much i love these dance classes with you i wouldn't wanna change groups just for this."

"yeah don't worry Hobi, i promise i'll make an effort"


The next class, things were better, Jimin made an effort, and it could be seen. Taehyung too had made efforts, he tried to be the best, and it could be noticed too.

As the classes passed, Jimin and Taehyung became comfortable around each other. They wouldn't talk to each other outside of the practice room, but inside, they were all smiley and happy.

And as time passed, they looked at each other more, enjoyed seeing the other one, liked laughing with each other.

Taehyung felt his heart flutter every time Jimin giggled and Jimin's heart would miss a beat everytime Taehyung would laugh with his adorable smile.

With time they even started to have non-awkward physical contacts, like a friendly tap on the shoulder, a hand on the other one's waist to replace him.

They felt happy, they could still have each other in their lives but didn't have to force themselves into liking the same things the other did.

It was nice.

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