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Jimin and Taehyung both had their dance lesson. Jimin hoped Taehyung didn't change groups, he still wanted to see him even though he clearly didn't want to talk to him.

As usual Jimin was there early with Hoseok. They were the first ones so they could choose the music, they warmed up by dancing to a choreo they both knew well.

Taehyung had arrived, alone,Jungkook couldn't make it, he didn't want to interrupt or really just stay in the same room as Jimin. So he just watched him through the little window there was on the door.

He got mesmerized by Jimin's smooth movements, he had complete control over every part of his body, he was amazing. that's my best friend he thought, but he quickly scolded himself no no don't think like that he is no one to you.

He stayed there until they had finished, at the same time other people came so he got in the room with them.

He saw Jimin's eyes widen at his sight. Without realizing he smiled at him. And Jimin smiled back, his smile. He still had the same smile, his smile that made his eyes become small crescents and made him look like the softest man. Taehyung turned around when he realized he was staring, embarrassed.

The rest of the dance lesson consisted of Jimin and Taehyung looking at each other while the other was looking away.

At the end of the class Jimin tried to talk to him, he still wanted to try, but Taehyung didn't even let him say anything, he cut him off before he got the chance to talk by telling him he had to go.

Jimin wasn't surprised he knew he would react like that, he had told him he didn't want to become friends, it wasn't surprising. But Taehyung was surprised, even though he told him he didn't want to talk to him he still tried,  it's cute he thought.

No, what, why am i thinking like this. I don't want to talk to him. Do i ? taehyung kept thinking on his way home. His mind and his heart didn't agree on what to do which made Taehyung a lost mess.


"Are you going to try to talk to him again minie?"

"Yeah, I'll try again mom, i can't help but think that he's not here for nothing, the universe wants  us together. What were the odds for us to both like dance, to take the same dance class, and to be in the same group. no i'm sure our new personalities could work out together, i just need him to see it." rambled Jimin to his mother, while they were cooking dinner.

"If it's meant to be you'll talk to each other again don't worry son" replied his father, who was also helping in the making of the food.


"Taehyung you keep talking about him all day long, i'm sure you even dream about him why don't you wanna try to talk to him?"

"It's not the right thing to do" answered Taehyung who was talking to Jungkook.

"Are you trying to convince me or yourself ? cause it looks like you're trying to convince yourself more than me"

"both, i'm not lying to you nor am i lying to myself, i really do want to talk to him. but i'm scared okay, i'm scared to ruin this person i've imagined, scared to be abandoned again, scared to no longer have him as excuse for being someone who doesn't let people in. This is the truth, this is why i don't know what to do"

Jungkook sat next to his friend and took his hands in his.

"Taehyung listen, stop letting fear dictate your life, do whatever you want i'll be there to support you, but do what you want to. what you really want to."

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