Chapter 2 : Realisation

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Yuna's POV

I cannot belive I just did that to a professor. Shit. What is she going to think? She might think that one of her students are flirting with her and she'll probably report this to the ministry. Now I don't even know how to face her tomorrow again in her lesson. I hurriedly exited the Uni's building and went straight to my car and drove off.

I was going to call my friends up to tell them about my ridiculous and weird day, only to realise that they are probably getting ready for the party tonight, so maybe it's best not to disturb them with my problems. After I finally reached home, I just immediately laid on my bed and blasted music at a loud volume. My parents are in America for a business deal which means they have to be there for 6 months. And it's only been the first week. It's actually nice when you're the only one in the house and you can do whatever you want. I was close to just dozing off when my phone vibrated profusely. It was Lisa calling.

"What do you want?"

"Rude, much?"

"I was about to sleep and you ruined it. What's up?"

"Did you change your mind?"

"Nope. I'm staying home"

"Oh come on, Yuna. Just once, please? To celebrate the first day of school?"

I thought about it for a second. My games could wait right?

"Fine. But just this once and I'm never doing it again"

"Yes! Okay, we'll pick you up at 6:30 okay?"

"Yeah, bye"

Right, so it's 5:45 and I need to find an outfit. Now when it comes to me, firstly I hate dresses. So my closet is mainly full of pants, pants, pants and more pants. As for the tops, it's always either a t-shirt, button up shirt or a turtle neck with a jacket over. Basically, my fashion sense is the best, but I just don't wear dresses.

After a good 20 minutes, I finally decide on a 'party' outfit. Denim jacket, white t-shirt and black ripped jeans. Simple enough. I took a quick shower, got my clothes on and just on time, heard the honk outside my house. I grabbed my phone and wallet and made my way out of the house.

"There she is, the wonder that she is"

"Shut up, Lisa"

I waved at Jennie who was seating at the backseat as I got in the car.

"Nice to see the real Yuna back in action"

"What is it with people wanting me at parties?"

"Your presence makes the parties even better. Plus, today I heard a few girls gossiping about you in the halls"

"Did they say good things at least?"

"Oh yeah, good things for sure. But I'm not telling you what, cause you are finding that out yourself"

"How exactly am I going to do that then?"

"Just wait and see once we reach J-Hope's place. I'm pretty sure they were invited too"

"Okay, fair enough"

As usual, J-Hope's parties are always the best ones. Since he is wealthy, his house is huge and has a massive driveway. The fun is always pulling up right infront of his house, for his valet guy to help you park your car. It's a pretty spectacular treatment, I must say. As we entered the main entrance of his house, he approached us as he was walking down the stairs.

"Ah, my favourite people have arrived. And oh my, is that who I think it is?"

I suppose he was referring to me.

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