Chapter 4 : When Did It Matter?

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Yuna's POV

You coming to class or are you dealing with a hangover?

I'm omw.

I couldn't really sleep last night as I was thinking about the sudden realisation I had made on the way home. I had texted Jennie the whole night and telling her the whole situation I was stuck in. Surprisingly, she didn't mind listening to my problems as she mentioned something about Lisa being asleep and that would be the best time to let it all out. To keep it short, all Jennie suggested was to talk to Professor Im. To tell her how I feel, and even if she doesn't feel the same or feels bothered, at least I didn't keep it to myself. But looking back at all that she's done, there is no way that she doesn't like me a little. At least a little.

After the very long conversation, I went to bed and woke up 2 hours later, realising there was 10 minutes till my first class. The whole morning I've been trying to think of a way to ask Professor Im for a quick meeting to talk about everything. I'm in Lisa's car now, going to class but by reading Lisa's text earlier, I'm late. Again. Which means I receive a detention. Which hopefully means it will just me her and I, and not with other students. Maybe I'll talk to her then.

I manage to find a parking spot on campus, right next to Jennie's car. I check my car mirror for my looks, as I was rushing this morning. My outfit, a plain hoodie, black ripped jeans and sneakers, seemed to do the job of hiding the fact I slept for 2 hours. Once I finished making sure everything looked okay, I ran into the halls to find the class. I entered and like dejavu, what happened yesterday, happened again. Greeted by silence.

"Sorry I'm late"

Professor Im was typing something on her computer, probably doing the notes for the slideshow later on.

"Mhm. Detention at the end of the day. Phone on the table, please"

I nodded and placed my phone where she asked me too. I'm not so mad about the detention this time, cause I wad purposely late for the right reasons. I just hope that these punishments don't end up on the report card. I sat next to Lisa and passed her the keys to her car.

"Thanks for my ride to school today"

"Yeah, sure. Congratulations on getting detention on the 2nd day"

"Thanks. I'm trying to beat the record"

She laughed and handed me a black envelope, made out of card material. It had a velvety smooth cover, and had BB embossed in silver in the middle. I took it and raised one of my eyebrows.

"And what is this supposed to be?"

"Do you remember BamBam?"

"Holy shit, I haven't talked to him in a while"

"He's inviting us to his first ever club opening here in Korea"

BamBam was one of our closest friends who left to go back to his home country for family reasons. Both Lisa and him came to Korea together as transfer students and Lisa had the choice to stay here or go back. Lisa stayed but BamBam said he could do way much more back in Thailand. It was a really sad goodbye, but we promised to meet again.

"He's an owner of a club now? Wow"

"He dropped out of college early and continued his dad's business"

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