Oh, his skin touching mine, it feels so good... I want to touch him again. I need to touch him again. His scent ... I'm dizzy... I need to have him for me. Where is he?
Wait, where am I? I open my eyes.
Just a dream.
What was that?! Even my unconscious self can't stop thinking about Peter.
Focus, he's with Becky, my friend, and I'm with Hardin, who's also my friend.
I sit on the bed, rub my eyes and look to the side. Hardin is at his desk with his back to me, typing on his laptop. He is dressed in a blue t-shirt and jeans. I get up from his bed and pick up my clothes that have been on the floor since last night.
"I ordered a pizza for breakfast." I hear Hardin's voice behind my back as I put on my underwear and startle me.
I turn to him, and he's staring at me. "Thank you, but I can't eat pizza for breakfast. Portuguese people eat light things for breakfast, like cereal or toast."
"I can make you a toast, if you want."
I nod and we stay looking at each other for a moment. "Hardin, I'm sorry for showing up last night and staying here sleeping... You're sick and I came..." He doesn't let me finish the sentence and interrupts me.
"I liked. You can come and stay whenever you want." Hardin's voice is always calm and assertive.
His eyes keep fixing me and I feel my stomach start to squirm and it's not hunger.
I choose not to wear anything else but my underwear, because I want him. But this time, he'll be taking the first step. I want him to want me. I fold my pants and I reach into my back pocket to pull out my phone. Then I fold my top and place them on the bed.
I'm glad I didn't break my phone when my pants were thrown to the floor. Oh, I got a notification saying I received a friend request from Peter on Facebook and Instagram. I accept his requests and follow him back.
Then he sends me a message on Facebook saying hello, but I don't even open it. I need to focus, and can't afford to make mistakes.
I need a distraction. I'm getting this guy out of my head.
Why are you taking so long, Hardin? I look at him and he is on his phone.
I feel my head pound and I run my fingers through my hair.
"I need coffee, this hangover is killing me," I tell him.
"We can also always drink a few beers, nothing better to cure a hangover than to drink more." My eyes glare at him and I see him smirk.
I can't help but smile. I approach him and lean over to give him a quick kiss on the lips; I let myself stay close to his face and fix his eyes. His eyes are so beautiful they don't even look real.
"Isn't it a little early to drink?" I stand in front of him.
"It's one in the afternoon," he says.
"Have you taken your temperature today? Don't you have a fever?"
"Yes, and I was fine this morning." He gets up and wraps me in his arms. His hands land on my exposed butt cheeks, and his lips press against my neck. "But my temperature has just risen." He squeezes me and my body flushed hot.
His lips trace their way to mine, and when they touch mine, I take him with an ardent kiss. I pull him against me tighter.
The phone rings and I get frustrated when Hardin steps away to answer it.

Good at Games, Bad at Love (18+)
Romance"Can I give you a hug?" Is it possible to want and not want something at the same time? "Please?" he insists and I nod. He approaches me and my breathing becomes irregular, our bodies are too close. He doesn't hug me. Instead, his hands touch mine...