Later on, Diogo meets up with me and we walk together towards Martina's.
When we get there, everyone's already in the common room sitting on the couches and chatting, and there's a few pizza boxes on the tables.
Martina's common room is larger than Dylan's, with four large black couches and two tables that seat at least eight students each. Besides, it has more personality, with several flags from different countries covering one wall and some pictures of groups of students covering another wall.
I introduce Diogo to everyone, and everyone's friendly towards him. I'm surprised that he fits in so well, despite the age differences.
I can't help but feel weird to see Diogo with my group of friends in Netherlands. It's like two completely different worlds colliding. My past and my present.
Diogo's chatting with Dylan over sports. I was expecting him to get along with Dylan, because he follows a lot of American basketball. I take the opportunity to head outside and have a smoke. Martina's common room also has a tiny little garden.
"I'm going for a smoke," I say, as I get up from the couch.
"I'll go with you." Martina gets up from the other couch and we both go outside.
As soon as I light my cigarette, I notice through the window that Peter's here, and sits on the couch. Him and Diogo exchange a look.
"Martina! You didn't tell me Peter was coming." I try to keep a calm demeanor because I don't want them to see me through the window looking alarmed.
"Sorry, but I couldn't tell you otherwise you wouldn't have come."
"So you know about us, huh..." I say calmly, as I take a drag. It's nothing I wasn't suspicious of. "At least tell me Becky's not coming."
"Becky's not coming. And I know nothing, Kelly, because you don't tell me anything. All I know is from Becky telling me you guys had a fight because you've been seeing Peter behind her back. Then Marcus told me Peter's not doing okay and thinks you two broke up. Marcus told me this, thinking I knew what he was talking about. Now you're the one who's telling me what's going on, because you never tell me anything."
"You never say anything about you and Dylan either," I say to her.
"You don't ask! Not even when I was crying because we had a fight."
"I don't want to be nosy, I like giving people their space. But okay, I promise I'll explain to you what happened. But now I have to head inside, because I'm afraid that this whole thing of you not telling me Peter was coming will go wrong."
"What do you mean?" Her face changes from angry to confused.
"Diogo's my ex-boyfriend and let's just say him and Peter didn't really get along too well when they met earlier," I say, and now her face changes from confused to surprised.
"Ex-boyfriend?! Wow, I wasn't expecting that."
"Yep. Well, let's go."
I toss my cigarette to the trash and go into the common room. Peter and Diogo are both quiet, looking serious and listening to the story Marcus is telling. Marcus is standing between both sofas. I sit next to Diogo and Peter throws a disappointed look at me, and something inside of me trembles.
I'm happy he's here, happy he's not with Becky. I'm happy he's jealous. I shouldn't be, but I am.
Diogo notices I'm looking at Peter and kisses me on the cheek to divert my attention towards himself.
"Guys, these pizzas are getting cold, let's get eating!" says Martina.
"Alright!" Marcus says immediately, and starts heading towards the tables, the rest of us follow him and get up from the sofas.

Good at Games, Bad at Love (18+)
Romansa"Can I give you a hug?" Is it possible to want and not want something at the same time? "Please?" he insists and I nod. He approaches me and my breathing becomes irregular, our bodies are too close. He doesn't hug me. Instead, his hands touch mine...