Chapter 15 - Reactions

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The next morning, I wake up rattled and sit on the bed, because I remember Peter shares the room with Marcus, but I relax when I look around and he's nowhere to be seen. He's probably sleeping at his friend Marcela's. Good. Peter and I fell asleep completely naked last night, I can't even imagine how awkward that could have been.

"Morning, Nutty." Peter wakes up with my commotion, and he still looks sleepy and cute. He makes an effort and lifts his head up towards me, kissing my naked back. I don't think he's got the strength for anything else than that, since he falls back on the bed.

"Morning." I lay next to him and hold him.

"Feels good." He holds me back and we fall asleep again like that.

We wake up for the second time and head to the shower. We ended up taking too long in it, getting lost in each other, and we skipped class. So, we put our clothes on to go for a walk.

In order for me not to wear my Portuguese team's t-shirt again, Peter lends me one of his white t-shirts, and I tie a knot to make it tighter. I put my coat on, jeans with no panties, put my shoes on, and I'm good to go. We exit the room feeling relaxed, playing with each other and giving each other a soft kiss on the lips.

My smile disappears as soon as I see Becky standing in front of us, watching the whole thing. Becky. I never gave her another thought, nor did I remember that she lives in this dorm. She heads towards me in a rage and starts shouting and humiliating me, and suddenly there are people everywhere gathering around and watching the show.

"What the hell is going on here?! Kelly, you really are a shitty friend! I didn't expect this! From you! I'm so stupid. Never in a million years could I predict this! Have you never heard that friendships come first, and then guys? You're such a fucking whore. One isn't enough, huh? You needed to fuck two guys from our friend group. How are you in here with Peter? I wouldn't be surprised that you're fucking Hardin and Peter at the same time! Whore! Whore! Whore! You're a whore!"

At first I'm paralyzed listening to these words, but then I start feeling my blood boiling and I can't take all these insults. Not again. So when she's done I slap her across the face.

"You never talk to me like that again," I say, and then I'm the one getting hit.

"Girls, stop it right now," Peter says, firmly.

"Stay out of this," I say to Peter.

I slap Becky again and Peter holds me from behind and pulls me away, but Becky's able to reach us and keeps hitting me, so Peter lets me go so I can defend myself, and we're hitting each other as he steps in the middle trying to break us up and getting hit himself. Some dorm's students eventually help out and grab both of us.

"Whore!" she shouts.

"You were replaced, stop humiliating yourself more and just accept it!" I yell back. Peter pulls me to his bedroom and locks us in, pushing me against the door, holding my arms so I stop waving them around, and he looks at me.

"Is this necessary? Please calm down." I look to the side, pissed off, but I stop moving. There's a silent pause before Peter lets go of my arms and steps back.

I look at my hands and they're shaking. The truth is, I've been disrespected so many times in my life that I couldn't stand to hear someone call me whore again. So, maybe I overreacted with Becky because of my past. She has a good reason to call me that. 

"You're right, I took it too far," I say.

He gets closer to me again.

"I get it. It's okay." He kisses my forehead and holds me. I feel myself relaxing with his touch and I breathe in his scent. "But, you have to try keeping it cool with Becky and understand what she's going through, okay? Promise? It's a lot. I just broke up with her, but didn't tell her about you, so I think you should talk to her and explain everything," he says.

"Explain what? That she's right and that I'm a shitty friend who stole her boyfriend and then hit her?" I mumble, looking to the side.

"You reacted at the moment and you're only human, but she'll forgive you. I'm sure she will."

Peter takes my face and makes me look into his understanding eyes, and I feel a sadness inside me for getting him in all this trouble. Today I can see a bit of green around the brown in his eyes.

"You're right. I can't react like that. Peter, you're too good to me. You don't know me and I'm not as good as you are."

"But I want to get to know you, okay? Don't say that. You're a good person, what I know of you is wonderful."

His voice is serious. He reaches my hair in front of my face and tuck it behind my ear. 

"I'm just saying, you don't know what you're getting yourself into, I'm warning you," I say to him, with a serious look on my face. I want to be with him and don't want him to get hurt.

"Easy, Nutty. We're just finding out where this is going, we're not getting married." He winks at me with a smile, and I smile back.

"You're right, again. Well... do you think it's safe to go out now?" Peter picks me up and throws himself on the bed with me.

"Safe for what? We're not leaving this room for the rest of the day!" He tickles me.

"Peter!" I laugh non stop and yell his name several times to make him stop, and my stomach hurts from laughing.

"I love to hear you laugh." He only stops because we hear a knock on the door.

Through the door comes Marcus, and we sit up straight on the bed and look at him.

"Hi, Kelly. Hi, Peter. How are you guys?" He lifts his eyebrow, and looks at us, confused. Peter gets up from the bed and starts justifying himself.

"Marcus, I want you to know that Becky and I aren't together anymore, and neither are Kelly and Hardin. So, Kelly and I are together now. I hope that's not weird for you. I mean, it probably is... but I hope you don't mind that Kelly drops by every once in a while. We might also go to her dorm more often. If it's confusing for you..." Marcus has his mouth open and looks stunned, with his dark eyes wide open.

"What?! What do you mean?! Well, I suppose I wasn't expecting this at all, but of course you two can do whatever you want and I'm fine either way. But it's weird. But obviously it's none of my business, guys. You can hang out here, no problem."

"Thanks for the support, Marcus," I say, still sitting on the bed.

"It's a little shocking. Do the other guys know about this?"

"Actually, you do, and Becky does. That's it," says Peter.

"Wow, everyone's gonna freak out. It's big news. How did this happen?! Please explain everything!"

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