I'm riding my bike and thinking to myself that I keep getting into trouble, as always. First, messing with a friend's boyfriend, and then getting myself into a fight in a country where I can get arrested for doing so, and lastly I remember that I've never used a condom with Peter. My hormones have been so all over the place that I didn't even realize this big, big mistake. I'm not on birth control.
I'm also still smoking a lot and drinking almost every day. So this whole story of coming to Netherlands and starting a new life is going down the drain as always, because I'm still the same old Kelly.
Before I head to the dorm, I stop by a pharmacy and buy the bc pill. I will start taking it from now on and I hope my slip-ups aren't too costly.
As I'm reaching my dorm, I see something down the street that disturbs me. I don't even want to believe what I'm seeing. As I get closer, the image became clearer.
Sitting in front of me, on the sidewalk, with luggage and everything, is a very tall man with short brown hair looking at people passing by on their bikes.
"Diogo! What are you doing here? How did you know where I live?!" When he sees me he gets up from the sidewalk, and I park my bike in front of the building. He heads towards me.
"Kelly, I can't even believe you're in front of me! I missed you so much!" He gives me a long hug and a familiar scent invades my nostrils, and I can't help but hold him as well. But I'm in shock.
"I don't understand how you're here." I'm still looking at him in disbelief.
"Can we talk?" he asks. I nod affirmatively and open the door to the building, and he follows me with his luggage. We go in and I close the door behind me and start asking questions immediately.
"How did you find me?"
"Well, that's not very hard to do, all I had to do was look at your Instagram photos and Facebook location. You can find everything out these days through social media."
"Good point... But why did you come here?"
"Because I missed you so much. I couldn't stand being away from you anymore. These last few months have been hell. I swear I tried to stay away." I don't know what to think of this, everything he's saying is like a bomb being dropped on me. Can't he see how stunned I am?
He tries to come closer to me, but I take a few steps back. Diogo stops and remains standing in the middle of my studio, his face telling me that he's desperate for me to forgive him.
"You didn't even text me, or call me, nothing. Now you show up here like it's no big deal?" Why did he have to show up here?! I didn't even remember he existed anymore.
"You came here, and I didn't want you to, I was upset. The truth is that I couldn't handle how much I missed you. And now you're here and I realize I never should have treated you the way I did. I'm sorry."
"Instead of calling me, so we could talk and figure it out, you show up on my doorstep in Netherlands? This isn't normal! Do you know how strange this is?" I need him to leave.
"I realized I love you and wanted to surprise you, that's all. I thought you'd be happy to see me."
No, no, no. He loves me!? This is a new one.
"This isn't okay, Diogo. You're trying to drive me insane. You have to be. You've always wanted to drive me insane. Where do you think you're staying? You can't stay here, I hope you booked a hotel."
Suddenly I get a knock on my door and freak out. I can't believe Diogo's here. I open the door and it's Peter. Peter! He comes in, like everything is normal.

Good at Games, Bad at Love (18+)
Romance"Can I give you a hug?" Is it possible to want and not want something at the same time? "Please?" he insists and I nod. He approaches me and my breathing becomes irregular, our bodies are too close. He doesn't hug me. Instead, his hands touch mine...