Chapter 27 - History

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We're putting our clothes back on in silence and I'm mesmerized by him, and he is looking at me too. I put my pajamas on, and then I remember going to get my clothes from the living room.

"So, does this mean I don't have to go to Amsterdam tomorrow?" he says, when I return, with a large grin splitting his face. "Am I forgiven?"

"I never said that," I tease him as I put on some socks.

He comes closer, takes me, and sits on the bed with me.

"I'd like to know why you're always so defensive. Kelly against the world." 

I stand up, a bit annoyed, "I was kidding, but since you ask, it's because I've been through some shit in my life."

"What kind of shit?"

"I don't know if you're ready to deal with my baggage. Can we just enjoy the moment and let go of dramas for today? Please?"

I fold my clothes and put them in the suitcase on a table in front of the bed.

"Sure, anything you say... for now," he says.

"I'm going to sleep."

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" He hugs me from behind and I turn to him.

"You're pushing your luck." I smile at him and he kisses me on the lips.

"You're just acting hard to get."

"And you're so full of yourself."


The following day, Peter wakes me with kisses all over my face, and I just want him to stop because I only slept like two hours. I'm exhausted.

"C'mon Kelly, wake up, I want to leave before everyone else wakes up. I just want to go for a walk with you today."

"Peter, I can't." I turn in bed and put the pillow over my head, but he grabs it.

"Please, we're only here a week!"

"Give me five minutes."

"Okay. But just five minutes."

After five minutes he pushes me off the bed and I finally get up. I peek into the other rooms and confirm that everyone's asleep. And the purse I took with me to the club is on the kitchen counter, Martina was able to bring it. I'm glad.

Before we go out, Peter and I take a shower and make love again. He's like a drug to me.

We walk around Paris and it's a beautiful city, full of monuments everywhere. Every building and bridge is beautiful.

We go for a boat ride on the Sena river to get a better view of the city. It's a big boat full of tourists, and we place ourselves on the front of the boat, standing up so we can have a clear view of the river and the city.

I'm feeling the wind on my face and notice Peter's looking at me.

"You're missing the whole thing."

"You're much prettier," he says and I feel so happy.

"Focus on the city." I look around again, but Peter's still looking at me.

"Will you be my girlfriend? A serious relationship?"

"What?" I look at him and I'm shocked at the question.

"I never want to be apart from you again. And I never want to see you kiss anyone in front of me again either."

"Peter, we're on Exchange program, you have your home country and I have mine. We're going separate ways in August. We're on a deadline."

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