#1 (Logan Howlett)

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Request: dark phoenix but reader is the one who gets the phoenix force and I really love Logan, so maybe you could write him trying to help reader to control it. friendship or romance, u choose. Requested by anon.

"Where do you think you're going?" Logan entered your shared bedroom and saw you packing.

"Away from here. Away from you".

"Y/n don't! Nothing dangerous really happened" he tried to stop you.

"Nothing dangerous? Have you seen what I have done? People got hurt, Logan. No one died, but I'm not sure everyone would be that lucky next time".

"I'll help you. We'll do this together" he offered.

"No, not this time! I can't control it and I don't want to hurt you" you tried to leave but he grabbed your wrist and turned you around to face him "let go of my hand, Logan!".

"No! The Y/n I know doesn't give up that easy" he refused.

"Well, I'm not the Y/n you knew. She's gone" you lied.

"If that were true, you wouldn't care about hurting me. Y/n, I'm not like the others. I heal fast, you can't hurt me. I can help you".

"I am sorry" you made him fall asleep with your mind and left.

The next time you saw each other was when you were hurting innocent humans and fighting fellow mutants who were trying to stop you.

"Y/n!" You heard a familiar voice.

"Logan!" You finally saw him and were about to calm down when Erik attacked you and you had to defend yourself and got angry.

"Listen to me. You don't want to do this. I know you. You're hurting innocent people" Logan shouted as he tried to approach you but you prevented him.

"Stay away from me! I'm dangerous and I can't control it. You need to take everyone away from here. I'm going to explode" you begged him.

"No, I'm not leaving your side. Hey! Hey! Look at me! Just focus on my voice" he tried to calm you down and it started to work.

"That's it. Just focus on me. Take a deep breath and exhale. Let it all go. Remember that time at the lake?" he tried to bring back good memories while trying to approach you again.

"It's where we had our first kiss" you smiled while tears ran down your cheek.

"Yes. Remember what I told you that day?".

"I'll never forget. You said: I helped you through a lot and for the first time in a very long time you were happy. You said that you will never let anyone come between us and you'll always be by my side".

"I made you a promise and I'm not about to break it now. I'll always be by your side" he was finally able to reach you and placed a soft kiss on your lips but you quickly broke it.

"Hey! It's alright. I know you won't hurt me. Close your eyes. You're in control. Feel your powers, they are a part of you, but you control them" he instructed and suddenly everything stopped.

"You did it! I never stopped believing in you" he wrapped his arms around you and whispered in your ears.

"Are you sure?" You were still hesitant and didn't open your eyes yet.

"I am. You can open your eyes now".

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