Girl Power (Logan Howlett)/ (Scott Summers) platonic

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Request: Can u do a reader(wolverine wife) x jean/dark phoneix being bff and being awesome during missions and s/o being proud of them. Requested by @raveenasblog

The four of you were on a mission to find the missing mutant children. When you arrived at the location that they're supposed to be at, you had to split up.

You and Jean decided to just take the main entrance of the mansion, while Scott and Logan wanted to see if there's back entrance or a place where they can sneak in.

When you entered, there were a couple of male guards but they didn't know who you are at first.

"Who are you and what are you doing here? No one is supposed to be here" one of them asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry! You see my friend and I got lost and this is the first place we found. We figured there'd be people to help us" you gave him a lovely smile.

"Y/n what are you doing?" Jean whispered.

"Just play along".

"Ma'am, you shouldn't be here. How can we help you?".

"Do you have a phone we can call someone to pick us up. My battery is dead and she didn't bring her phone with her" you lied.

"There's a phone back in the hallway. This man will escort you" another guard stepped forward.

"Actually my friend here will make the call. I really need to use the bathroom. Where can I find it?".

"Y/n!" Jean didn't know what to do or who to call.

"Upstairs on the right" this time he didn't make a guard escort you, since it'd be too suspicious and because the kids aren't there.

You started wandering around the manion and figured if they're gonna hide the kids somewhere, it'd be in the basement. You managed to sneak in and knocked off the men who were guarding the children.

Time for acting was over, now you had to save the kids. You took them upstairs and told them to be quiet but the guard you spoke to earlier caught you.

"I believe you wanted to go to the bathroom that's upstairs. So much for that" he pointed a gun at you.

"Oh well, I thought while I'm at it, I'd take a look at this beautiful place and found those lovely kids" you smirked.

"Really? And the guards just let you take them?".

"Not exactly, but they couldn't stop me. Where's my friend?".

Two guards came while holding Jean and the guard pointed a gun at your head "now you're going to die".

"You shouldn't have done that. She doesn't like to be touched and I don't like being threatened" you and Jean used your powers to knock them out and opened the back door for the boys.

"Took you long enough" you crossed your arms.

"You found the kids!" Logan noticed.

"And defeated all the guards no thanks to you" you pursed your lips.

"In our defense, we took the longer way and didn't know if there was even a back door" Scott defended.

"That's a lame excuse. Every mansion has a back door and since you didn't take the main entrance, it should've been easier since you wouldn't have had to fight off the guards".

Jean crossed her arms as well and looked at them, while Scott looked at Logan for a reply but even he couldn't find one.

"They're kinda right" he muttered.

"Say that again but louder" Jean ordered.

"I said you're kinda right. You did a great job without us and I'm really proud of you. I guess you don't need us anymore" Logan praised.

"Well, I'll always need you. Even if it's just so I can brag" you teased.

"You did not just- come here" you ran and Logan chased after you.

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