Blue (Kurt Wagner)/ (Scott Summers) cousin!reader

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Request: request for a one shot or drabble: reader is female cousin of Scott summers and he tries to fix her up with Peter maximoff but she ends up dating Kurt Wagner instead. Requested by @whoviancumberbunny.

A/N: y/s/c= your skin color.

"Hey Cuzz!" You jumped on Scott and hugged him.

"Y/n! I didn't know you were coming today" you took him by surprise but he hugged you back nonetheless.

"Yeah. I managed to get an early flight. So, are you gonna introduce me to your friends or are we gonna keep chatting here?".

"You were never the patient one, were you?" He chuckled and led you to the common room.

"Everyone meet Y/n. She's my cousin. Y/n, this is Jean, my girlfriend. This is Peter the one I told you about and this is Kurt" Scott introduced.

"Hey, Scott has told us many things about you" Jean hugged you.

"It's nice to finally meet you" Peter hugged you as well.

"Hi, I'm blue" Kurt waved awkwardly.

"And I'm y/s/c" you chuckled and waved back.

"When can we eat? I'm starving" you muttered to Scott but loud enough for everyone to hear.

"I asked the same thing" Kurt added.

"Have some patience. You just arrived! Dinner will be served in 10 minutes" Scott sighed.

"Do you always have that many rules?" You asked.

"Yes and it's good that way" Scott replied.

"But the fun part is when you bream 'em" Peter winked.

"Aw, did you make this specially for me?".

"Yeah. We wanted to welcome you in the best way possible" Jean answered.

"You know, uhm that's Peter's favorite dish too. He's the one that cooked today" Scott informed you.

"Is that so? It's very delicious, thank you".

"It's my favorite food, so of course I'd cook. I'm not letting anyone ruin the taste for me" he joked.

"I helped too" Kurt added.

"You did?" Scott seemed surprised.

"Yeah, he did. Without him, I wouldn't have made it in time" Peter admitted.

"Well, thank you too".

"You're welcome. I am relieved to hear you liked it. I was afraid you wouldn't".

"Aw that's so sweet. I loved it".


"Hey Kurt, do you have a second?" You approached him.

"Uhm, a second? I don't understand" he was confused.

"Time. Can I take some of your time? Anyways, I wanted to see if you wanna watch a movie with me tonight".

"Me? Wi-with you?

"Yeah" you chuckled.

"Y-I- yes" he got excited.

"Ok, great! See you at 9".

"Are the others coming?".

"No, just us. I wanna get to know you better. You're funny and I like you".

"Oh! I- uhm thank you" if he wasn't blue, his cheeks would've turned red and he would have blushed. Even though that couldn't be seen, you could obviously see how shy he got.


"Hey, Y/n, wanna grab a drink later this evening?" Peter offered.

"I'd love to but unfortunately I can't. I'm going out with Kurt".

"Oh! Alone?".


"So, on a date?".


"Oh, ok! Have fun!".



The evening was great and you and Kurt connected immediately. He felt more comfortable with you and time passed. You haven't laughed the way you did that night since a long time ago. You ended the datwwith a kiss and for the first time, he felt appreciated and loved for who he is.

"Hey, what happened with Peter?" Scott asked the next day.

"I don't know. What happened with Peter?".

"I mean, I thought you were excited to meet him and probably go on a date with him. What changed?".

"You didn't tell me about Kurt. He's funny and he makes me laugh. I got to know him better yesterday and turns out we have a lot in common".

"As long as you're happy. That's all that matters cous".

"Thanks. Now, tell me all about you and Jean".

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