#3 (Erik Lehnsherr) granddaughter!reader

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Request One Shot - A girl arrives in Genosha and requests to see Erik. after convincing his security to let her she tells Erik she is from the Future and His Granddaughter. She's been told not to say too much but he can tell when he looks at her she is Related to Peter. Requested by @whoviancumberbunny.

"Don't take another step!" A man warned.

"I'm here to see Erik Lehnsherr. You might know him as Magneto" you put your hands up in surrender.

"And why should we let you see him?" The man questioned

"I have something important to tell him".

"And what's so important that you can't tell us?".

"It concerns him and it's personal. Look, I'm one of you" you showed them your powers and eventually he let you in.

"There's someone here to see you. She claims it's a very important matter" the man informed Erik.

"Let's see what she has to say. Let her in and leave us" he instructed.

"Hello Erik or should I say... grandpa!" You greeted.

"Grandpa? And you are?" He raised an eyebrow at your choice of words.

"Yes, you are. I know it's a lot to process but we don't have much time. We need to leave now. You're in danger. Oh, I'm Y/n".

"Are you going to tell me from what danger are we running from?".

"I can't . I was told not to say much. You're not even supposed to know I'm family and stuff. But I figured, you'd only trust family members so...".

"Why so?".

"Time travel and all that. It's complicated. One false step and we'd alter the future. Well- your future and my present".

"Alright, lead the way".

"That's it? You're not gonna question me or say that it can't be. I just told you I'm from the future and your granddaughter and you're trusting me to tell the truth? Not that I'm complaining" you were skeptical.

"I have all the confirmation I need. Other than my gut feeling telling me that you're family, I can see that you're related to Peter. Too chatty".

"Oh, well thank you".

"That wasn't a compliment" a hidden smile was appearing on his face.

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