I Don't Want To Lose Her (Scott Summers) bestfriend!reader

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Request: Reader is a student and very much friend with the X-men team. So after the mission in space, she notice that something happened and goes talk to Scott about it, whos almost like a big brother to her. I just felt like Dark Phoenix didn't give us enough Jean/Scott scenes/feelings, so please write something, like his fear of losing her and etc... I just need angst. Thats it. Requested by anon.

Warnings: some angst.

When you came to the school as a kid, Scott was the first friend you made and made you feel like home. He took care of you and you were like a little sister to him after his older brother died.

He'd tell you everything, like when he had a crush on Jean, when he asked her out, when they had their first date and first kiss. He'd also ask you for advice about what to get her or how to talk to her.

You and her became best friends and the three of you were a team. Up until that one mission in space.

You thought she was dead after the explosion, but when Kurt transported her body back to the plane, she woke up and said she felt fine.

You noticed a yellow kind of light in her eyes and decided to tell Scott after you got home.

But before that, you went to see Jean to make sure that there was something.

"Hey! I just came to check on you. How are you feeling?" You asked.

"Why is everyone asking me this? I am fine. Truly!".

"It's not everyday that we go to space and people survive out there without a suit like you did" you tried to ease the tension.

"You're not here to check on me, well not my well being anyways" she read your mind and knew what you're looking for.

"Of course I'm concerned about your well being, but I also know that something supernatural happened to you out there. So what is it?" You confronted her.

"I don't know, alright? It- I can't control it when it takes over. You need to get out now!" Her eyes turned yellow and you did as she asked.

"Scott! You're here, thank god!" You locked his door as soon as you ran to his room. You were still out of breath.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He held you until you were able to catch your breath.

"It's Jean. So you remember what happened in space, right? I went to confront her and her eyes started to glow and there was a yellow light and things on her face and it was like a force coming out of her or controlling her I don't know and she told me to get out before she hurt me because she can't control it or knows what it is so should we tell professor Xavier ot should we try to figure this out on our own?" You spoke in a hurry.

"Y/n, slow down! I didn't get a word you said" Scott was still trying to figure out what you said and you repeated it slowly until he got it.

"Jean would never hurt us, you know that" Scott reminded you.

"I know, which is why I'm telling you. There's something inside of her and if she can't control it, then she'll hurt us- it will".

"We have to help her, no matter what".

You and Scott tried to help her without informing Charles or the other teachers at school, but everything went south at the party when she kinda exploded and hurt the both of you and a couple other kids.

When you woke up, she was gone and the team tried to convince her to come home, but she refused and accidentally killed Raven.

"I don't want to lose her, Y/n! You know how much I love her" Scott started crying.

"Hey, hey! You won't lose her" you assured him.

"You saw the way she was. She killed Raven. Or the thing did. How are we supposed to do that?".

"We'll figure out a way, we always do" you tried to convince him.

"It's just- she was there for me when no one else was and now I can't be there for her when she needs me the most. What kind of boyfriend does that?".

"The smart kind. If you go to her now, you'll get hurt and maybe end up like Raven. How do you think the real Jean would feel about that? She'd never forgive herself and she absolutely wouldn't want you near her while that thing is in her. I promise you, we will get her back" you brought him closer to you and wrapped your hands around him, while he cried his heart out.

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