#2 (Warren Worthington)

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Request: OMG YOU WRITE FOR WARREN?!?!????????!!!!!!! Can you do an angsty one where she's killed by apocalypse while they were together and now he's heartbroken but somehow comes back to life and happily ever after shit 😋🤣. Requested by anon.

"It's alright, I don't feel the pain anymore" you were in Warren's arms, bleeding from your chest.

"Please!" He wept.

"I want you to promise me to keep yourself safe and stay alive. You have to go with him, for me" you spoke your last word and he shook his head, while tears were falling down.

"Y/n?... Y/N? No, pleaseee! Don't leave me, you're the only one I have" he caressed your lifeless body "I promise".


The X-men were taking apocalypse down and Warren was on his side, fighting them, until you appeared.

"Y/n?" He couldn't believe what he saw.

"It's me, Warren. I'm here" you smiled and took a few steps towards him.

"No, you're dead. I held you in my arms as you died" he thought you were an illusion.

You took his head in your hand and placed a kiss on his mouth "I'm real".

"Y/n? H- how? I saw you die. My heart shattered" he was confused.

"Apparently, I'm a mutant, like you. My body can heal itself after being injured" you explained.

"A little help here would be appreciated" one of the X-men said.

"You're on their side?" He asked.

"Yes. They are the good guys. Apocalypse deceived you. I'm sorry I made you go with him, I just wanted you to live" you apologized and the both of you helped defeat him.

"So, what now?" He asked.

"Now, we help others like us" you leaned your head on his shoulder and he kissed your forehead.

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