#3 (Peter Maximoff)/ (Erik Lehnsherr) platonic

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Request: Reader& quicksilver are having a baby and Erik gets emotional when he finds out. Just some happyness in Magneto's life please ❤🙌. Requested by anon.

You had managed to keep your pregnancy a secret for a long time. You and Peter even left the city in the last three month, because you wanted to surprise Erik.

When it was time to give birth, Peter called him and told him to come to the hospital as soon as possible.

Erik got nervous and was scared, thinking that something bad has happened to you and that Peter was going to suffer from the same pain that he suffered when he lost his wife and daughter.

He immediately rushed to the hospital and asked Peter about what's happened to you.

"Come with me" Peter led him to the delivery room, where you were about to give birth.

"What is this?" He looked at the both of you confused.

"You're about to become a grandfather" you smiled at him.

"Is this a joke?" He still couldn't believe it.

"It's not. You've lost so much, we just wanted to surprise you and remind you still have us" Peter told him.

"I'm going to be a grandfather!" He realized. "Haha, I'm going to be a grandfather" he chuckled.

"Yes, you are".

"I love you" he hugged Peter and kissed your forehead.

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