I I I . R E U N I O N

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Copyright © 2020 by MischiefMaidenX


A/N: Yeah I know, I left the last chapter on a cliff hanger. If you're new here, this is something I'm known for. Cliff hangers and major plot twists. ^_^ welcome!

Also, how many of you fans of the Daniels Family enjoyed the cameo of Nate? Nate is much older now but still has that sense of humor we all know and love.

Can I just say how strange it is for me right now? As I'm writing this story, Nate is in his late 50's but in There Goes My Everything (the prequel to A Thousand Miles From Nowhere) he's 17. I don't know how I'm doing it but I am while writing them at the same time haha.

Lastly, I think you'll enjoy this chapter. A lot of cameos ahead plus a bit of backstory on different supporting characters from previous books.

Remember to vote & comment. Let me know what you think of the story so far.

I I I . R E U N I O N


"Surprise!" a ring of loud voices cheers at me from all around, making me jump in my place as I grab a hold of Caleb's shoulders.

Before me is my entire immediate family.

The first face I zero in on is my mom, Rebekah Daniels but everyone refers to her as Bex.

She smiles warmly at me with her deep blue eyes and walks forward, pulling me in for her signature warm hugs. I can feel her shaking from her intense emotions that's she's always had. Mom has always felt things with her whole heart.

"Oh my baby is finally home. I've missed you so much sweetheart," she whimpers in my ear before leaning back and glancing all over my face, searching as usual.

"I've missed you too so much Mama," I sob and pull her in for another hug, desperately needing the physical contact. I feel Dad's gentle hand on my back, soothing me through my uncontrollable sobs.

When I finally let her go, I step away so she can finally greet her grandson. I watch with a warmth in my heart as she looks down at him, which isn't that far since he's so tall for his age.

Clearly he took after my dad, brothers, and grandpa in the height department.

"Oh my goodness, Caleb. Look how big you've gotten baby. Where the hell did my little Caleb go?" Mom smiles warmly at him as she softly embraces his face between her hands.

"Hi, Grandma," he smiles nervously and barges into her a little roughly.

I hear the faintest sound of a sob from him. My poor little boy. He's trying so desperately to keep it together.

"Aww baby, it's okay," Mom coos him as she kisses his temple lovingly.

She runs her fingers through his short dark strands and gives his cheek a small pinch. He chuckles, scrunching up his shoulders.

My heart melts watching him with her. Caleb needed this so much.

Yes, Christopher's mom is a lovely Abuela to him but not like my mom. Mom just has a certain way with children.

As she should after being a kindergarten teacher for almost thirty years.

While I'm watching the two of them, Huxley barks, wanting his attention from Mom as well.

"Oh Hux look at you my silly boy," Mom laughs and grabs a hold of his face to smother him with kisses. When she's done, his golden fur is covered in red lipstick stains.

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