X V I . A N A P O L O G Y & T H E L I E

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Copyright © 2020 by MischiefMaidenX


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X V I . A N A P O L O G Y  &  T H E L I E


It's been four days.

Four drawn-out and listless days since Caleb got dropped off at my house by my brother and Lee. All performed without a single word from me on my end that is. Sure, they tried talking to me but all they were met with was a door slammed in their faces.

I don't have anything to say to those two. Shit, towards any of them. Not to either of my brothers, nor my sister-in-law, or even my own parents.

Whether it be by them showing up at my house trying to talk to me in person or through text messages, pleading for me to hear them out—I just don't want to deal with it.

Right now—I'm troubled, I'm torn, but most of all, I'm pissed.

The only person out of all of them that I've replied to through text messages is Lexie but it's only been quick replies with little enthusiasm on my end I'll admit.

I know she has panic attacks from her anxiety and with her being pregnant, I didn't want to cause her any more stress. So when she finally texted me last night, simply asking how I have been doing, I replied. I'm certain she was poking around for any information regarding my actions since Friday night but I never gave her even the slightest indication at what I'm up to.

Which is that I'm moving back to New York.

I took the weekend to think it over and came to the conclusion that it's for the best. I can't be around my family after everything that happened. Words were spoken, actions were made. Just things you can't ever take back.

Sure, I regret—kinda—in the way of how I acted at Miller's Friday night but in the end, it only showed me the truth.

I wish it didn't have to come to this. I really do. I'd love to stay here and make a life for myself but I can't when I'm an outcast in my own family. And I always will be simply because they can't seem to understand why I feel the way I do about him.

I thought, after all these years that I had gotten over it—that I had moved on. But clearly, that was all a lie.

Every time I'm around him, I'm constantly reminded of the friendship we once had and the connection we both held with one another to the point it had started to turn into more. So much more.

Then I'm reminded of what happened. How it all made me feel and question everything. Question life, happiness, love.

All I can say is thank God for Christopher who showed me what real happiness could be like and was. God was I so happy.

How great life could be if you gave it a chance and I did. I put my whole heart into every day I got to spend with him. Living life to the fullest.

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