L . C A T N A P

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Copyright © 2020 by MischiefMaidenX


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L . C A T N A P


I'm going to have another baby. A smile spreads as I sit at the sheriff's desk.

I mark off the most recent place that was raided that came up empty in the last eighteen hours. It has been a damn headache trying to catch Hailey and Thomas. Penelope has been working around the clock as well looking up everything she could find that could help. Family businesses, owned properties, relatives, allies that would let them hide out, anything. And all of it she has found has come up empty. It's like they're disappeared off the face of the earth.

Early this morning as soon as visiting hours were available, Drew's team and I had talked to Dylan to see if he could remember anything about his attack that he couldn't before or about the last week that could lead us in the right direction to finding them. It didn't help considering he went through a similar situation as us by being ghosted by his cousin and his new fling. So in the end, we got nothing.

If only Josh was still alive so I could get an answer out of him on where they would go. However, after what he did to my girl, putting her through Hell and back, I'm okay with his unfortunate ending. Call me an asshole for thinking that way but I don't care. My best friend and true love was in danger at that defining moment as well as my unborn child. So fuck him and let him rot in Hell for all of eternity.

"Adam, honey, are you okay?" Penelope quirks her perfectly trimmed brow at me from over her laptop screen.

"Yeah, why?" I scratch at the stubble on my jaw before running my fingers back through my hair.

"Well, first you were all concentrated looking, then you smiled which I can understand why," she winks, knowing about the great news Sarah and I received yesterday. "But then your face just went all grumpy and you're going to age ten years if you don't relax that forehead of yours."

I chuckle at her pouty face and shake my head, "I'm fine. Just worried about finding Hailey and Thomas. Even with a couple of my deputies posted outside of Sarah's room, I'm still worried they'll come back for her to finish the job since they've most likely figured out by now that she and the boys are in fact alive."

"I understand but taking in a few breaths and try to relax your body and mind. Otherwise, you're going to wind up in the same stress category as Nate and Drew. It's not healthy and with a baby on the way, you need to be there 100%."

Penelope gives me a soft, reassuring smile and I consider her words. She's right. I do need to relax and take care of myself. My girl, my children, born already or not, they're all relying on me to stick around for a while.

"Thanks, Pen," I grin across the desk at her and she blows me a kiss before returning her attention back on her screen.

With a heavy sigh, I lean back in my chair and kick my feet up on the desk. I have barely slept or ate in the last forty-eight hours and honestly, it's catching up to me. Closing my eyes, I decided to take a quick catnap since there's not much more I can do right now. Within seconds, my mind drifts off and I'm sent into the dark abyss.

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