X I X . S H A L L S E T Y O U F R E E

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Copyright © 2020 by MischiefMaidenX


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X I X . S H A L L S E T Y O U F R E E


'If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.'

I remember hearing this passage many times as a child while attending church on Sunday mornings when my grandma starting taking my brother's and I. Mom and Dad had rarely gone unless it was for a major holiday, so Grandma took it upon herself, once the three of us got old enough, to take us more often.

As I got older, of course, it became my decision if I wanted to continue going or not and I did for the most part—back in New York.

Throughout the years, my faith had been challenged by the sins of the world, and nine times out of ten, the world won. My sins, they always win in the end.

Now, my faith is damn near existent.

Why? Oh, well, the reasoning you ask?

Call it losing your husband, the love of your life, so abruptly.

Call it coming back home to a town you don't recognize and a family that has taken it upon themselves to withhold the truth from you for years.

Call it having life shove you down every damn time you get the strength to stand the fuck back up while facing it head-on.

Call it. Call it. Call it.

Fuck, I call bullshit—because in the end, the truth may set you free but at the same time, it can be binding to a wayward soul.

The harsh truth, the reality—no one truly wants to face it head-on because deep down, we love being in the comfort of our blissful ignorance. But in the end, life, it doesn't work that way.

The shackles of my misery, bitterness, and resentment that were wrapped around my ankles, anchoring me in place for the last thirteen years, were finally broken by the sword of Adam's truth.

However, just as soon as I was about to walk freely, a new woman, a fresh set of shackles were slipped on. This time, ones that are scalding hot and burning like the flames of Hell, searing my sensitive skin as the rage builds and builds and builds inside.

Anger, oh, she's most definitely up there. Right above disappointment and mistrust.

This is what leads me to my next action as Adam stands before me, finally coming to the conclusion of his side of the story about that night.


I slap Adam across the face with so much fury that it burns the palm of my hand and causes Adam's head to whirl to the side from the force of it. I half expect him to be angry but nothing but remorse lays in those green eyes of his.

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