X X X I I . U N F A I T H F U L

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Copyright © 2020 by MischiefMaidenX


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X X X I I . U N F A I T H F U L


You know that old proverb 'Curiosity Killed The Cat'? Well, my curiosity is screaming at me when I walk from the backroom after collecting some files to find Nate in his office with the door closed. The fact it's closed isn't what has my interest piqued but the fact that there are four people now either sitting or standing in his office that I don't recognize.

I sit at my desk that unfortunately has my back to his office and look over my shoulder with narrowed eyes to see if I can figure out who these people are. By the way, they're dressed, I can tell they're someone involved in law enforcement—just by their serious demeanor alone. Well, at least one of them has that look about him.

An older man with dark hair sits in Nate's chair with his elbows propped up on the armchairs. That catches me by surprise because Nate never lets just anyone sit there. I don't even get to without being threatened a boot up my ass. The man's suit doesn't quite scream lawyer since it doesn't seem to be tailored unless he's a public defender—they always get shafted in terms of making good money. But his suit does say that he's not your typical sheriff deputy or police officer from another town. His eyes as he talks are always narrowed, stern, as if it would physically hurt him to smile once in his life. Honestly, he screams agent. FBI? CIA? Homeland?

Another man who is standing opposite of Nate is younger, around my age it would seem, with caramel-colored skin and a crew styled haircut. He's dressed in work slacks with a long sleeve shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. A firearm, Glock to be exact, rests on his hip. Ex-military explodes from his appearance and the way he holds himself as he leans back against the bookshelves with his bulging arms crossed tightly over his chest. He stands patiently, nodding his head every now and then as the other man speaks. This tells me that suit guy in Nate's chair is the boss.

The last guy of the group is sitting in one of the chairs across from Nate's desk with curly hair and a laid back attitude about him while dressed in a pair of beige work slacks, a white button-up that has the sleeves rolled up, and a pair of Converse. He's leaned back in the chair with his ankle propped up on his other knee as he taps his fingers together. He speaks as well as if adding to what the head honcho is already saying. I can't really see his front since he's facing away from me but from what I can gather, this guy is smart but timid. Reminding me tremendously of Ford.

The last person of the group is a woman with thick blonde curls tucked to one side. She turns towards the guy sitting next to her and puts a hand on his shoulder. Nearly all of her fingers are covered with rings. A butterfly ring on her middle finger catches my attention and I smile. Evangelina loved butterflies and would've squealed with happiness at the sight of that. The woman has red rimmed glasses on her face and her make-up is put on thick. With her tight fitted black and red polka dotted dress, she screams pin-up, rockabilly status.

Finally, I look at Nate as he leans against the shorter bookcase that holds the printer and a few of his family photos. There's a grim look in his eyes and his mouth is set in a straight line. His hat is high on his head as he scratches his forehead to release the tension there and sits it back down low before crossing his arms over his broad chest. The muscles in his arms strain from the tightness and I recoil at how immensely stressed he looks. Even I'm beginning to worry about him and his well-being. He's been working himself to the bone the last few months and it's only gotten worse lately.

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