X V I I I . T H E T R U T H A B O U T U S

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Copyright © 2020 by MischiefMaidenX


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X V I I I . T H E  T R U T H  A B O U T  U S



Finally arriving at the senior graduation party, I park next to the curb out front of Barney's house with a thunderous rev of my Harley's engine before shutting it off.

Per usual, everyone stops to look at me who are still lingering on the front lawn with red solo cups held in their hands.

When I remove my helmet, sitting it on my lap, I flip my long curls back off my face and run my fingers through my hair. I should probably put it up in an elastic band but Sarah always says how much she loves when I let it hang loose.

I smile to myself as I remember her running her fingers through it the other day while I sat on the floor at the end of her bed. I was replying to an email from my army recruiting officer and she took it upon herself to softly play with it. Which, ahem, was a major distraction for me.

But when is Sarah Daniels ever not a distraction to me? She's all I think about since the first day I laid eyes on her.

I finally climb off my bike and place the helmet on the seat. I begin the walk up the pathway towards the front door and shrug my shoulders, adjusting my leather jacket.

I don't even knock because honestly what's the use with the loud ass music that's playing inside? It's not like anyone is going to hear it anyways.

I walk in, and the place inside is already packed with people. This is supposed to be a party for graduating seniors but more than half of the people crammed inside the house aren't even seniors themselves.

Whatever, not my problem.

Barney, the senior who's hosting this party, saunters over to me with an obnoxious cheer.

"Michaelson! Great to see you here since I didn't catch a glimpse of you at the graduation ceremony yesterday," he grins and I roll my eyes with an amused smile.

Of course, he didn't. I wasn't going to be caught wearing some fucking ridiculous cap and gown while walking across a stage in front of my classmates who haven't given a fuck about me unless it was to run their ridiculous mouths.

Not to mention, for a school that looked for any reason at first to kick me out simply because they assumed I was going to be a bad egg a majority of the time.

Bad egg, huh?

Well, little did they know, until recently—obviously, that I would wind up being in the top five of the graduating class academically. But since I wear all black, have tattoos and piercings, and that bad boy aura, everyone assumed I was some dumbass piece of shit who didn't care about my future.

Funny how people will preach about not judging a book by its cover yet 99% of the population on Earth still do it regardless. You can't get away from it no matter where you are or what fucking year it is.

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