X X I I . B U M P ' N ' G R I N D

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Copyright © 2020 by MischiefMaidenX


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Also, R. Kelly's 'Bump & Grind' on repeat towards the end. You'll see the reference in the text down below (winky face)

X X I I . B U M P ' N ' G R I N D


"Earth to Sarah. Hello?"

With a shake of my head, I swivel towards my oh-so-wonderful sister-in-law who's evidently been struggling to grab my attention for the last couple of minutes.

"Huh?" I ask with elevated brows, clearing my throat shortly after.

"I've been talking to you for the last two minutes and not once have you answered me. I'd get more out of a brick wall at the moment. What are you even staring at?" she asks awestricken while turning to peek over her shoulder in the direction I was staring.

"Nowhere—" I quickly interject, clenching her forearm to catch her attention.

Too late. She's already figured out what—more like who—I was gawking at.

Adam. Sexy as fuck Adam in his black swim trunks and forest green muscle shirt that only intensifies the color of his eyes.

Right now, he's kneeling down on the balls of his bare feet at the end of the dock, talking with Sam, Lance, and Caleb while they swim in the water. I'm gazing at his broad muscular back once again when I notice Lee pivot back in my direction with a cunning expression.

"Wow. Creep," she teases as she pokes at my exposed midsection. I stick out my tongue, being sure to suck it back in as fast as I stuck it out so Dad won't catch sight of my tongue piercing.

Yeah, I'm almost thirty years old and still terrified of my dad's opinion of me. Especially when it comes to certain things like this. I mean, in all honesty, there's only one reason for a tongue piercing and I'm 100% my dad doesn't want to think of his daughter that way. If it was up to him I'd still be a virgin.

Like last weekend and every weekend from the time I was old enough to walk before I had left Clinton Hills for college, we are spending a family day at the lake. It's like a summertime ritual that we've partaken in for years and honestly, I've missed it. I've had a lot of great moments while being here with them that I know a lot of people would take for granted nowadays.

Truthfully, I was one of those people for a while. Not anymore though. Nay, nay.

With an aggravated sigh, I roll my eyes and turn away from her.

"I'm not a creep. I wasn't even looking at him," I shrug while picking at the faded paint chip of the plastic picnic table.

"Yes you were." Everyone who's sitting at the table sings simultaneously like a church choir with a matter-of-factly monotone—making me flinch.

I glare between Lee, Lexie, Megan, and Mom while a grin forms on all of their treacherous faces.


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