X L V I . W A Y W A R D S O N S

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Copyright © 2020 by MischiefMaidenX


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X L V I . W A Y W A R D  S O N S


Death...it's scary.

I've never seen anyone die before. I expected that if I ever had, I'd reacted differently than I did. You know, freaked the heck out. And maybe had I not been so terrified for my own life, I would've. At least more than I currently am on the inside.

I know Aunt Sarah did what she had to do to save her life and ours. If she hadn't, that guy would've killed her and then us. She made the ultimate sacrifice to her soul in the end. Because according to the Bible, murder is the greatest of sins, regardless if it's done out of self-defense or not.

If it came down to it, I think I would've done the same thing. When you've got your own life on the line or those you care about, it's all about survival. Which is what I intend to do right now - survive.

Crouched behind the stack of wood next to the run-down shack that smells like dog piss and mildew, I watch as Aunt Sarah runs to her car and climbs in. The headlights that had been approaching us, come closer and my heartbeat starts to pick up until it feels like it will literally fly out of my chest. Aunt Sarah's car revs to life and with a loud rumble, she pulls away from the cabin and peels out in the other direction just as a white SUV pulls up.

Oddly though, the other car doesn't follow her immediately and that worries me. They're suppose to follow her. The whole point of why we separated was so that Aunt Sarah could give us the chance to run away.

The white car stops in front of the house and the other guy from earlier quickly climbs out before stumbling through the threshold of the cabin. The lady who is with them steps out of the vehicle and leans against the driver's side door.

"No!" The other guy screams, probably finding the mayor's son, dead on the floor. "She fucking killed him."

"Where are they!?" The lady yells back, obviously not caring about the dead man in her cabin.

"Gone. They just left in her car. That's why it peeled out of here," he growls as he kicks at the front of the white SUV.

"Get in, we'll find them," she screams out and that's when we hear the loud roar of an engine.

Aunt Sarah's car has stopped in the distance, catching their attention. And like the morons they are, they quickly climb into the SUV and chase after her.

"Let's go!" I yell at Caleb and Lance. Lance jumps up to follow but Caleb continues to stare at where his mom just drove off.

"Come on, Caleb. We have to go," I pull him up by his arm, dragging him away from the shack.

He tries to fight me on it at first but because I'm bigger than him, it doesn't do much. Plus with Lance's help, we both manage to get him further away.

"Let me go!" He yells, swinging his fist out and catching me right in the mouth.

Any other time I'd hit him back but I let it slide. He's worried about his mom and if it was my mom who just sacrificed herself to save me, I'd probably be the same way. No, I know I would.

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