X X I X . A P I C T U R E I S W O R T H

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Copyright © 2020 by MischiefMaidenX


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X X I X . A P I C T U R E I S W O R T H


After losing Evangelina, I never thought I could feel like this again.


This powerful emotion that leaves me with a ridiculous smile on my face whenever I think of the girl I love. I'd felt like this before years ago with her and had someone told me I'd be back there once again with Sarah Daniels, I would've called them fucking crazy and suggesting they commit themselves to a mental institution A.S.A.P.

Now, I'm back to smiling like a fool while driving towards the center of town where they're having the Clinton Hills Fall Festival.

Every year, at the beginning of October, the town has this get together where Main Street is closed off and lined with multiple booths and a food court. They even have a few fair attractions for the little ones. Either way, it's a big deal just like in any small town.

Lance drums on the dashboard of my work SUV to Carry On Wayward Son by Kansas. Freya in the back lets out a couple of howls as if she's singing along and I chuckle to myself.

I will say, both have been in a good mood lately.

Freya is most likely because her owner is love-stricken and for Lance, maybe it's because he just recently found out that Sam, his best friend, is actually his cousin.

When I had told him about it, he immediately got pumped about it. He was excited about the fact he had more of a family aside from it simply being only he, myself, and Freya. Hell, I'm happy about it as well.

Family, even though mine was non-existent growing up, has always been a huge deal to me. I wanted a big one of my own to compensate for my shitty childhood but sadly that never happened since Evangelina got sick and the thought of more children was out of the equation. But now, my family grew three times the size overnight.

As overwhelming as it may be, I'm running with it. I'm not a man to look a gift horse in the mouth.

"Hey Dad, you think Sarah likes this song?" Lance suddenly pipes up after the chorus. I glance over at him for a second, wondering where this is coming from. Does he know?

Yeah, I know Sarah and I supposed to sit down separately with our kids and talk but I haven't gotten there with Lance yet. I assume Sarah hasn't yet either with Caleb.

Unless she has and that's why Lance is bringing her up?

"Umm, I'm sure she does. She likes this genre of music," I admit.

"Really?" he asks enthusiastically, making me smile.

"Yeah, but she really doesn't have a favorite type. She likes a little of everything," I admit, remembering her music playlist from high school. I'm sure, that hasn't changed over the years.

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