X X X V I I I . B L U E S H E L L T R A I T O R

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Copyright © 2020 by MischiefMaidenX


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X X X V I I I . B L U E  S H E L L  T R A I T O R


"Don't you freaking dare! Caleb!" Sarah cries out from inside the house. I grin to myself as I work the grill, a beer in my hand, while both Jackson and Ford look over their shoulders towards the screen door that leads into the back of the house.

"Looks like karma is coming back to bite her in the ass," Ford chuckles breathlessly to himself and runs a hand through his hair.

"Oh, get over it. Just because she whooped your ass in Mario Kart earlier," Jackson teases as he shoves at Ford's arm.

"Earlier? She's been doing it all my life and it's about time she gets her ass handed to her. It's even better it's by her own son."

"Dammit, Caleb you better knock it off or you're eternally grounded!" Sarah shrieks, making the three boys she's racing against burst into laughter.

"Sorry Mom but you're in first and the blue shell automatically hunts for that person," he defends himself with a hitch in his voice.

"You could've held onto it! And don't give me that bull because you just nailed me with triple red shells," she growls and I laugh, able to picture that irritating expression she gets when she's mad. The way her brows pull together and her brown eyes narrow. Then her jaw locks up as her nose does this little twitch. It's fucking adorable.

Had I known she'd get this worked up over losing at Mario Kart, I'd whooped her ass last night and gotten some angry sex out of it. But hey, I'm not complaining because the gratifying lovemaking I got instead - was beyond amazing.

It still surprises me at times that we've gotten to that stage in our relationship. Granted it's only been less than a week but every time we get intimate, afterward, I find myself grinning from ear to ear like a damn teenage boy who just lost his virginity to the captain of the cheerleading squad.

"Jesus Christ," Nate groans as he opens the screen door to join us outside. He rolls his eyes, looks over his shoulder back inside, and shakes his head. No doubt wondering what the hell is wrong with his daughter. "You'd think as a grown-ass adult she'd not get so pissy about losing to a child in a damn video game."

"She is your daughter, Nathan. Where do you think she got her competitive streak from?" Bex walks out behind him with a cleaned tray for me to place the steaks and chicken on once they're done.

"Okay, sure, but she got the temper from you," he grunts, bringing his bottle of water up to his lips.

Bex smacks him lightly on the back of the head so that he sprays out the water from his mouth. He looks down at her appalled while she glares up at him.

Honestly, I don't know why it's so comical but I find myself laughing so hard it hurts my sides. Jackson and Ford join me and that only makes matters worse for Nate.

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