X X V I I. R E U N I O N P T . 2

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Copyright © 2020 by MischiefMaidenX


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X X V I I . R E U N I O N  P T . 2


When I walked up to Sarah as she leaned back against the bar, all while checking out her toned legs and anticipating having them wrapped around me later, I never would've expected to come face to face with the woman—no—the mistress of evil herself.

Sure, she never did anything physically harmful to me but what she did was much worse. For years she stood by as I was verbally abused by my father and not once did she ever stick up for me, defending her only child. Then the icing on the fucking cake was when she packed her shit and left, causing my father to lose his fucking mind—what little was left of it—and unleashing the beast on me whenever he needed the fix.

Which was damn near every night.

I glare in her direction, the anger I've had subsided in me for years, twenty-one to be exact, seeping through.

I notice Sarah looking up at me in my peripheral as her head swivels back and forth between my mother and me, plus someone else, but I'm so zoned in on Colleen Michaelson that I can't concentrate on anything or anyone else around me.

"Mother," I finally manage to speak out with a sneer.

Beside me, Sarah gasped. I assume it's because the woman I had told her about before, always calling her 'Mother' or 'Mommy Dearest' because she didn't deserve to be called by anything else respectable—especially by her God-given name, is now standing before us with a look of surprise on her face when she glances in my direction.

"Adam?" she questions with a shaking voice.

Please, like she didn't already know I lived here. She knew. She had to have. Otherwise, why else is she here?

Whispers echoes around me and I look around, noticing people, specifically Sarah, Jackson, and Lee, look back and forth between my mother and me in complete confusion. Lee shakes her head, her breathing sharp before she walks over to where I'm standing. When she puts herself directly in front of me as if she's trying to protect me—from what I don't know—she glares at my mother briefly before turning around to face me.

"What are you talking about Adam? Mother? She's your mother?" she asks calmly, yet I can tell she's immensely frustrated as her nostrils begin to flare and her body trimmers.

"Yes," I answer cautiously and I'm beginning to worry about her because the anger I'm feeling, she's feeling it too.

It's rolling off her, onto me, and vice versa. "Why?" I finally ask because clearly, she needs some sort of clarification that I'm not managing to give her.

Lee stares at me for a moment, searching, and when she finally finds whatever it is she needed, her expression softens and I notice her eyes starting to glisten with unshed tears. It pulls at me, like it always does and I have this strong urge to protect her.

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