X L V I I . T R A C K I N G

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Copyright © 2020 by MischiefMaidenX


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X L V I I . T R A C K I N G


Failure. It's no longer an option at this point.

Not that it was before but damn if the fucker didn't worm it's way into my every action the last ten hours, disintegrating the little bit of hope I had inside.  But right now as I see the boys and Jackson off in the back of an ambulance to the hospital, I look at one specific boy, in particular, and I know I can't fail. Not this time.

I've got to find Sarah and bring her home. No matter the cost.

"There's deputies at both the cabin where the boys and Sarah were held as well as the crash site right now. They're waiting for your arrival so you can overlook everything," Drew informs me as we both walk to our respected vehicles. "I think you should go to the crash site. See if there's anything there that you can find that the deputies won't. We can handle the cabin. Go."

I give Drew a curt nod and climb into the driver's seat of my SUV. Freya isn't with me this time and it feels strange but she's needed elsewhere right now. Which is currently in the back of one of my deputies cruisers that's following the ambulance the boys are in. I want her watching over the boys and I know her presence will make them feel safer while I'm busy looking for Sarah.

You see when we found the boys, an abundance of happiness overwhelmed me because we finally got them back. I figured once we found them, we'd easily find Sarah as well but when Drew and Kyle informed me that her body was missing from the wreckage, I knew it wasn't good.

Where was she?

Did she run off after wrecking her car at the bottom of the ravine or did Hailey and Thomas scale down the side of the cliff to apprehend her?

The thought of the latter makes my stomach turn because according to Drew, the inside of the cabin looks like something out of a horror film. Just the thought of them torturing her makes every nerve in my body light up with the utmost hatred. How could they do that to her?

Okay, I know the how and the why, but it still doesn't morally make sense.

Almost every day you watch on tv, whether it's in a show or on the news, at just how truly evil some people in the world are but when you actually witness it yourself or it personally affects you through someone you love — it leaves you feeling — shocked. Like it's all just a nightmare and you're praying to God that you wake up soon.

Well God, still waiting on that wake-up call buddy.

When I start up my SUV, the passenger door opens up. Nate climbs into the seat and there's an emotionless expression about him that I hate seeing. There's no happiness, no fear, no concern. Just — nothing.

"We're going to find her Nate. No matter what," I assure him as I put the car in drive and begin our way through the Great Plains towards the ravine which is only a mile from where we found the boys. 

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