X X I . N E T F L I X & C H I L L ?

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Copyright © 2020 by MischiefMaidenX


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X X I . N E T F L I X  &  C H I L L ?


Tonight is just another typical Friday in the Garcia residence while I adjust myself into a more comfortable position on the curve of my enticing sectional. Snatching the remote to my smart tv in my hand, with assurance I press the power button. Once the screen is completed flashing the brand ensemble, I then turn on the Netflix app, provoking a giddiness inside me as I hear the tell-tale 'dom, dom' of its loading screen.

Now, most people want to go out and party it up on a Friday night, much like what Lee wanted to do but I graciously declined because well, I already promised Caleb he could have a sleepover tonight with Sam and Lance. But for mama here, this is how I'd prefer to spend my Friday night.

Unhealthy snacks that'll add only another ten pounds to my ass, a bottle of crisp wine, comfy clothes, a blanket, and Netflix.

Huxley and Binx, who's now a little over four weeks old, lay curled up in the corner atop his large fluffy dog bed. I let out a soft 'awe' at the priceless picture of Huxley spooning little Binx. My heart swells when he purrs and nuzzles even further into Huxley's soft fur.

At first, when I brought Binx home, I was slightly terrified that Huxley wouldn't like him. That somehow he'd become territorial with another pet in the house. But he's been proving me wrong the last week as he's graciously taken the kitten in like it's his own pup that needs all the love and attention in the world.

The first night I bottle fed him, Huxley sat right in front of me, not once taking his eyes off of little Binx. It brought a smile to my face, remembering how he was the first night we brought Caleb home from the hospital. Like now, he had patiently sat as he took it all in, silently understanding the significance of the small human we held in our arms.

As I scroll down to my list of unwatched shows or movies, I click on Unsolved Mysteries which I'm an absolute sucker for. I remember watching Cold Case Files or America's Most Wanted with Dad and Grandpa when I was younger. While most kids at that age would've rather been playing outside or with their toys, I was perched between the two of them on the couch asking a million questions.

I guess you can say it's no wonder why I ended up marrying someone who was a professional at handling such scenarios. It's like it was in my DNA from the very start.

I hear the boys upstairs laughing as they either play the usual video games or watch tv. I put a mental reminder to go check on them in an hour once this first episode is over.

While watching about how a man mysteriously disappeared when he left his home abruptly, my mind wanders to a couple of days ago when I had gone over to my parent's house to have a family pow-wow regarding the lie that had been floating around my head within my family for the last thirteen years.

I gave them all the benefit of the doubt as they stated their reasonings and even though I'm still upset about it, I decided to forgive them all for it. They didn't do it to be cruel and had good intentions in the end, even though it wasn't done properly, causing a rift in our family.

I guess, I just am tired of living my life with bitterness in my heart. I'm tired of holding onto grudges. It's not healthy for not only me but those around me. Particularly Caleb.

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