Part 1

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3 months after Germany and Siberia....

It was a few months after Germany. I've been working with Mr. Stark almost every day after school. I may be Spider-Man, but I was an actual intern as well and have been for 3 months. It was an emotional few months, but I was there for Mr. Stark through it all.

Everything was going great, until one day I walked in my apartment only to find aunt May laying on the ground unconscious. It was then in that moment, I thought I had lost everyone. Everyone I loved.

After the funeral, I was surprised to find out that Tony and Pepper wanted to adopt me. Tony told me he started to think of me as a son, which was great because I thought of him as a father. We'd grown close since Germany, so it was nice that he wanted me. Knowing Tony Stark, he was never that sentimental, so it took me a while to get used to it. But I believed them.

It was nice to have a loving family again


9 months later....

Summer had just begun and I was excited. I got to spend all summer tinkering around in the labs and spending time with my parents. They have been on edge ever since Germany, because of the accords and the avengers. Now everything seemed to become normal once again.

I got out of bed and put on my glasses. I had to wear them in the morning because bright lights gave me sensory overload as well as loud noises.

I walked out of my room and out to the kitchen.

"Morning Sweetie!" My mom greets as I walked out and opened the fridge, she was standing by the stove making pancakes

"Morning mom, where's dad?" I asked her

"He was up late messing around in his lab, so I made him sleep in. Which of course is not an easy job" She told me

"That's good. Doesn't he have a big meeting today?"

"How do you know that?" She asked me turning around and placing a bunch of pancakes on the plate in front of me

"Super hearing. I heard him arguing with someone on the phone about some big meeting"

"Sweetie, I told you to not listen like that. One day you're going to hear something you don't like, and yes he has an important meeting. Hopefully this will be the last one about the accords. Now I have a few meetings to get to, so I want you to eat breakfast and wait for your father. There isn't much for you to do today, but maybe you can go down to the intern labs and help them with their projects" Mom tells me

She placed a kiss on my forehead and walked out of the room. She walked towards the elevator before asking Friday to take her downstairs.

"Good Morning dad" I told him as he started walking out of his room

I knew he was coming because the hairs on the back of my neck started to get stiff.

"Morning kiddo" He greeted, just like he did every morning

"Dad I'm 14, I'm not a kid" I told him rolling my eyes (Age change, go read authors note at end of the chapter)

Everyone called me kid or Mr. Parker. Sometimes baby Stark, but that nickname was only used by the interns. I was often seen following Tony around everywhere he went.

"Yes you are. You're my kid. That won't change"

"I know"

"So what is on the agenda today?" He asked placing a kiss on my forehead before walking over to the coffee pot

"Mom has a few meetings this morning and I already know about the meeting you have. Besides that, I was going to go downstairs and help some of the interns with their prototypes. Then I was going to go on patrol" I explained to him finishing all 10 of my pancakes

"Good. Sounds like you will have a fun day. After my meeting we can finish working on your suit. I know how badly you wanted to add some adjustments. We should be able to create a bullet proof suit soon, because I don't want to have another heart attack when you come home with a bullet in your chest"

As we ate, I told him all about my patrols last night. I saved a woman from a mugging and she gave me a couple dollars cash. I explained to her that I didn't need the money but she gave it to me anyway.

"Well people love you and support all your Spider-Man stuff. Now if you could just be more careful and try not to get hurt, I will be grateful" He said placing his hand on my back

"I promise I will try dad"

Once we were finished eating, I walked to my room and changed for the day. I put my glasses away and put in my headphones. They helped diminish noises that might be too loud.

"Morning Friday!" I yelled to the AI

"Good morning Peter. Where would you like to go?"

"Please take me down to the intern labs on the 18th floor" I told her and she quickly took me downstairs

I could pretty much go anywhere in this building. I was Tony Stark's personal intern and I had access to every floor, and everybody knew it. Nobody could tell me no.

I walked out of the elevator to see everyone hard at work on their different projects. As I walked through to look at their work, I waved to a few of them. Most of the interns were really nice, and some were not so nice. They thought I was too young and didn't deserve to be here. But I didn't care what they had to say.

"Karen? Anything important that I should be informed on?" I asked my AI who was connected through my headphones

I liked to be informed about things that went on in the building. I did not want to seem clueless about things in my own house.

"Good morning Peter. The avengers museum is nearly done. Your parents have included a special surprise for you, but you will not be allowed to see it until the unveiling. Also your father has just went into his meeting" Karen told me

I wonder what the surprise will be? The avengers museum has been in the works all year. I know the avengers are still scattered, but dad still wanted to include them in the museum. I never knew how to feel about the avengers. They hurt my dad and I don't know if I could ever forgive them.

I knew I was going to meet them one day, but I couldn't help but be nervous. They don't even know I exist. No one does. Mom and dad wanted to keep out of the public eye for as long as they could, and so far it worked. I was nothing but an intern.

Well actually I'm not nothing.... I'm Peter Stark.


Thank you all for checking out my story and I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I would like to apologize in advance for my grammar and punctuation mistakes, because English is not my first language. But I please give me the benefit of the doubt. Please vote, comment, and follow me. Hope you all enjoy

Also I'm making Peter 14 in the beginning of this story, and Homecoming already happened. Yes I am aware that would mean he was 13 for Civil War, but for the plot I wrote, he needs to be. I did this for a reason, and it's my fanfic so I can change what I want.

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