Part 2

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Some days I liked to walk around the labs and help out anyone who needed it. They always asked for my help because I knew this stuff better than they did. It was often joked that I wasn't just an intern, but Tony's secret love child because I was just as smart as him. After a few hours of working in the labs I went back upstairs to see my mom.

I walked out of the elevators and headed straight to her office. I sometimes spent lunch with her because eating alone was boring. I looked in her office and she wasn't there, so I walked in and laid down on her couch. After awhile I started to get tired, so I closed my eyes and took a small nap. I knew she wouldn't mind.

Pepper's pov

The stupid accords were stressing me out. Tony had to figure out something to do about the rest of the avengers. The meeting was important, and I already knew what would be the outcome of it. I just got back from another meeting and went straight to my office to eat lunch.

"Mrs. Stark, I have your lunch as well as your sons....I mean Tony's intern. He is waiting for you in your office" My assistant Emily told me, she then started laughing nervously

"Thank you Emily. Andy don't worry about it. I trust you to keep him a secret" I reminded her once again

I walked inside my office only to see Peter asleep on the couch. My sweet baby boy. He looked so calm when he slept. Peter was everything you could ask for in a child, and I never regretted adopting him 9 months ago. He was perfect and I loved him dearly.

I quietly walked around to my desk and started eating my lunch. Peter never got enough sleep because of nightmares or panic attacks, so I didn't want to wake him up quite yet.

Halfway through my lunch, I could finally see Peter start to shift. I got up and kneeled down in front of him.

"Petey? Are you awake?" I asked running my hands through his hair

"Yeah" He mumbled opening his eyes

"Hey sweetie. Are you alright?"

"Yeah. I was just waiting for you and I fell asleep"

"Well that's fine. Now I have your lunch, so I want you to eat before you help your dad in the lab" I walked back over to my desk and continued eating my lunch

He finally got off the couch and sat down across from me and ate his lunch. He started talking about a few of the things he was planning on doing to his suit. I never understood half of the things he talked about when it came to science, but I loved watching how happy it made him. He then started talking about the museum and the surprise we had in store for him.

"You're having lunch and didn't invite me?" Tony complained

"Sorry. You can join us tomorrow, now how was the meeting?" I asked him as he placed a kiss on Peter's head

"That's what I came to talk to you about. Now kid, I need you to leave your mom and I alone for awhile. Finish your lunch and then wait for me up in the lab" Peter quickly finished his lunch and began getting his stuff together

"So you're not going to tell me what happened?" Peter asked

Usually we always told Peter what happened in our meetings, and since Tony wasn't telling him, I already knew what happened.

"We will, I need to talk to your mom about it first. I will tell you eventually when the time is right. Now don't go using your super hearing or I will ground you"

"I promise" Peter gave us both a quick hug and walked out of the room

Tony sat across from me and brought his hand to his forehead. I didn't need him to tell me what happened in the meeting. I knew he was nervous because the rouges left him for dead in that bunker, they broke his trust. It will take a long time for him to trust them again.

"We expected this Tony. It will be okay. You already said you were starting to forgive them. So for now there is nothing to worry about" I told him

"It's not me that I'm worried about. I don't know how to explain to Peter that the avengers are moving back to the tower. You saw how upset he was when he found out what they did to me" I got up from my desk and placed my hand on his shoulder

"It will be alright. We will talk to him and explain the situation. We always get through stuff like this"

"They will be here in a week. We need to get their rooms ready, not that they changed at all since they left. We also need to figure out a way to explain that our son is not only our son, but Spider-Man"

I already knew that it was not going to go over well, a 14 year old crime fighter? Steve was going to be particularly upset about that.

"We will figure it out. Now come on, you need to eat"

Peter's pov

I wanted to know what happened in the meeting but dad told me not to ask him anymore. He said he will tell me about it soon, so that wasn't helpful.

"Okay. I upgraded the new facial recognition software and also added a new protocol called baby Stark, which alerts me when your blood pressure and vitals start to become dangerously low. Of course Karen always alerted me when this happens, but this time I made it impossible to hack. I will receive updates on your suit and injuries every hour, but I promise I won't freak out over a couple of bruises" My dad explained

I only hacked the suit twice because I didn't want him to worry. There were only a few gunshot wounds.

"I understand dad. You don't need to get all helicopter parent on me. Updates every hour?Don't you think that is a bit much?"

"No. Peter you do things without thinking and are self sacrificing to a fault. My job is to keep you safe, meaning lots of updates is what you get. Be lucky, I was going to get updates every 30 minutes, but your mom said that was too much" I rolled my eyes and grabbed my suit off his work desk

"Alright. Thank you. I will try to be more careful on patrol. Can we work on your suit now?"

After we were done making the changes to his suit, we went back downstairs just in time for the pizza to come. We all sat down and I started telling mom all about the new changes dad made to my suit.

"Karen told me about the unveiling next week. What's going to happen? I know the press still doesn't know about me. Will it be a huge thing?"

"The museum will be ready and we will be having a big party. There will be press, which means you will have to pretend to be an intern for the night. Your father already bought you a new suit to go with his" My mom told me

"It will be amazing and we even have a little surprise for you" My dad teased

I still wanted to know what the surprise was, but I guess I had to wait like everyone else did. After dinner we changed into our pajamas and sat in the living room. We always watched a couple of movies before bed. I laid my head on my dad's shoulder and my mom had her hand running through my hair. I never wanted anything to change, my life was good right now.

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