Part 21

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Everyone was still on their mission. It was so unfair! I'm not an avenger but I still should be allowed to go. If only Fury wasn't on my ass. Mom was busy during the day, so there was no one around, and I wasn't even allowed to go on patrol. Whatever.

I walked in class and sat right next to Ned like I did everyday. Another day of doing absolutely nothing. This class was the most advanced chemistry class in the school, and it was still too easy.

"Alright class, with your partners we are going to have a lab. In each of your test tubes, you have two different chemicals. Your job is to figure out what they are from the list provided for you. You can do as many tests to figure out what they are. Follow the rules and I will let you know if you are right. So begin" Mr. Scott instructed

I liked chemistry, so this experiment seemed pretty fun. It was also pretty simple for both Ned and I. We finished early and just talked about random things until class ended.

"Alright class, we have one announcement. In a couple of months, we will be having a career day right before winter break. Your parents will be able to tell the class what their career is and you can ask questions. I wanted to give everyone notice. That's all"

I looked down at the table and closed my eyes. What was I supposed to do now? I couldn't exactly have my parents come and present to the class. Well I could?

"I'm sorry dude. It's not your fault" Ned placed his hand on my shoulder before walking out

I was walking out of class just when the inevitable happened. He just couldn't leave me alone for one day.

"So career day? It must suck not to have any family. Don't worry, I'm sure your cousin can come....I mean if he doesn't die in front of you like the rest of your family" Flash taunted, but I just ignored him and kept walking

I'm so fucking tired of people making fun of me or giving me pity. It's about time everyone knew the truth, that I had a loving family. I thought about it just like uncle Clint said, and I made my decision.

I got through the day and met Happy outside like I did everyday. I told him all about my day, and he ignored me like usual. Once I got home, I immediately ran upstairs and to mom's office. Emily usually let me walk in if she wasn't busy. She was just doing paperwork like usual.

"Hey mom. Can I talk to you?" I asked taking a seat across from her

"Of course sweetie. Is everything okay?" She put her pen down and walked around her desk and sat next to me

"'s just in a couple months there will be a career day at school. It's where the parents give presentations about their kids and their jobs" I explained to her and she looked at me sadly

"Oh Peter....I'm sorry"

"Yeah....that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about. I think it's time for people to know about me. I'm tired of people giving me pity and making fun of me for not having a family. I know you wanted to keep me safe and away from the press until I'm an adult, but I think I could handle it now. I love you guys and I want the world to know about me" Her eyes widened clearly not expecting that

"Peter....are you sure? The press will follow you everyday and watch you all the time. You would have to start learning about SI business and go to meetings. People might target you. I would definitely love to brag about my brilliant son to everyone, but is this something you really want?"

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