Part 12

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Today was my birthday. I was finally 15. I never thought it would come so fast. I woke up early today so I was still laying in bed.

Ring Ring

I heard my phone going off and i immediately sat up. I turned it over to see birthday texts from MJ, Ned, and Wanda. Since I was going to see Wanda downstairs, I would just thank her then. But for now, I grabbed my laptop and called both MJ and Ned on video chat.

"Peter!!!!!Oh my god! I can't believe it's your birthday! I haven't seen you in so long! Dude I saw you on YouTube and Twitter at the avengers museum party. That must have been crazy. Flash can suck it! I would've loved to see his face when he saw those pictures!" Ned yelled

"Ned would you shut up! The rest of the world can probably hear you shouting. But seriously Parker that was pretty cool" MJ said rolling her eyes

"Yeah it was pretty cool. But I have missed you guys so much. Summer has been so boring without you guys"

"Of course it has, that party full of avengers and celebrities looked completely dull. Happy birthday loser" MJ said in her usual monotone voice

"So mom told me that you are coming over tomorrow night to celebrate, MJ you're coming too. My mom is already making you a cake dude" Ned said excitedly

"Tell her I said thank you. I can't wait to see you guys tomorrow" Besides Wanda, they were my only friends, and they meant everything to me

"So you're still doing okay? I know you're living with a cousin or something?" MJ asked me, she sounded surprisingly caring

"Yeah. Everything is good. Thank you for the birthday wishes. I will see you both tomorrow, my cousin is doing some birthday thing today" I told them

"Hell yeah! Bye Peter. Happy birthday" Ned said before shutting his computer off

"Happy birthday loser. See you tomorrow"

Once I closed my laptop, I got out of bed and took a shower. I already heard my family downstairs making breakfast, so I hurried and ran down to join them.

"There's my birthday boy!" Mom yelled and ran over to hug me

"Happy birthday Peter"

"Happy birthday Pete"

"You still look like a kid birthday boy"

I let go of my mom and went around to hug everyone as they wished me happy birthday. My birthday was already off to a good start.

Steve and Nat were currently cooking breakfast while everyone else was watching television and setting the table.

"Where's dad?" I asked them

"He has been in his lab all night, probably working on a present for a certain birthday boy. He will be down here soon" Mom told me

"I'm actually here now. Happy birthday kid. Look at you all grown up" Dad came behind me and pulled me in for a hug

"Thanks dad"

Everyone started moving towards the table and sat down. Steve made pancakes which were my favorite. We all gathered around the table and filled our plates. Breakfast went as it did every morning. Sam and Clint were fighting over the whip cream, Mom and dad were talking about my party, Bruce and Steve were silently eating, and everyone else was talking to each other in Russian.

"Where is my nephew? I heard he has a birthday today" I heard someone ask as they stepped out of the elevator

I looked over to see uncle Rhodey walk in. I ran over and hugged him tightly. He was always busy and I haven't seen him all summer. Dad never told me he was coming.

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