Part 36

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A few weeks later....

Tony's pov

"Tony we need to talk" I immediately put down my tools and turned to face my wife

"Yes my beautiful wife? I'm not in trouble or anything? Did I miss a birthday or anniversary or something? Friday what did I miss?" I asked recognizing that tone of voice, obviously I forgot something

"There is nothing on the calendar today Boss. I don't believe you missed anything"

"No you didn't miss anything, but I'm glad you have Friday to help you remember the important dates in our relationship" She said sarcastically

"I remember them, I was just double checking. Anyways, what did you need?" I told her and pulled her in my arms

"Tomorrow is career day remember. One of us needs to go to Peter's school. I have a meeting with the board of directors, but I can push it if you don't want to go" That I completely forgot about

"No. I will be happy to go. Those kids deserve a speech from me. Besides it's a great way to advertise our new Stark phones because of the holiday season. See and you were saying I didn't seem to care about the company, but now I'm helping to get the word out. It's also an opportunity to brag about our brilliant son" I told her already typing a reminder in my phone

I loved bragging about Peter, so any opportunity I had, I would totally take it. I could talk about my kid all day.

"I'm very proud of you for being so helpful lately. Just be there at 8 tomorrow morning. His chemistry teacher is expecting every parent to be on time. So I don't want you to be fashionably late like you are for meetings. This is important for Peter" I rolled my eyes and ignored her nagging, she was worrying for nothing

"Honey I got this. Don't worry. Tomorrow will be great"

Tomorrow was going to be great. After setting another reminder, we went downstairs for dinner with the rest of the team.

"It's career day right? Someone besides Tony should be there to represent our family" Steve reasons

"I mean...I guess somebody else can come" Peter hesitated before looking at Wanda and she nodded

"I want to come" Nat said raising his hand obviously ignoring what Peter meant

"Why should you go?" Steve asked incredulously

"Because I'm the aunt. I'm the perfect choice" She argues

"And we're his uncles. I know how the school system works, half of you have never even been to a real school" Sam argues and I couldn't help but roll my eyes

"See what you started kid. Now everyone wants to go. No one else is coming, the last thing we need is to attract the press even more. Peter can barely get home without being followed. No one else is coming" I told them firmly not leaving any room for argument

"Can't Wanda come? I mean....she's never seen my school and she would fit in so well" Peter asked me and I immediately shook my head, that was not happening

"Peter I don't know about that" Pepper was clearly hesitant

"But Ned and MJ want to meet her" Peter grabbed her hand and placed a kiss against her cheek

They were still in the honeymoon phase in their relationship, and it was extremely obvious.

"I will be on my best behavior. Peter wants me there so I can meet his friends. Also if I'm there, maybe girls will realize that he has a girlfriend and will stop trying to lift his shirt in the hallways" Wanda looked over at Peter angrily, before looking at me

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