Part 23

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She'll see I'm not so tough
Just because
I'm in love with an uptown girl
You know I've seen her in her uptown world
She's getting tired of her high class toys
And all her presents from her uptown boys
She's got a choice

It's a good day today. I woke up early and I was just....happy. I was currently looking for some breakfast and blasting the music. School was already getting better and I had a date tonight.

I spun around the kitchen and moved my hips to the sound of Billy Joel. Tonight was my first date with Wanda and I was excited. So I danced like no one was watching, completely on my own. The song finally ended and I slid across the floor of the kitchen.

What I didn't realize was that blasting music and ignoring my surroundings, could attract some attention. I turned around when I heard people clapping. There was the entire team standing there cheering and laughing.

"Interesting song choice, and moves weren't bad either" Steve complimented

"Yeah he used to take dance classes, you guys should really see him dance" Mom walked over and placed a kiss on my forehead before heading to the coffee machine

"Friday you recorded that right?" Sam asks wiping the tears from his eyes, him and Clint were having a good time laughing at me

"Keep laughing, I don't care. Nothing can ruin my morning"

"Well you're in a good mood?" Dad questions

"Yeah. I just slept well and....I'm just happy about today. I feel like today is going to be wonderful" I told him and I glanced at Wanda

She was smiling brightly and probably was thinking the same thing as me. We had a date tonight. I had everything planned already and I was really nervous, but excited.

"Alright. Well I guess I can start breakfast" Dad said and started grabbing things out of the kitchen

I walked out of the kitchen and went to the common room to sit by Wanda. The rest of the team were sitting around us and watching the news. She blushed slightly and turned to look at me.

"So....we still on for tonight. Midnight?" I asked her whispering

"Yeah. I will meet you up here and we're dressing casual" She told me

I couldn't wait.


Sadly I still had to go to school today, but I was having a hard time focusing. I just wanted everything to be perfect tonight. I've recently started gaining some confidence in myself, and just felt better about everything and it helped that the public was going to find out about me soon.

"Peter you have been zoning out all day. What is the answer to problem 4?" Ned asked me and I looked up from the table

It was already lunch and I decided to do my homework early because I would be too distracted to do it later.

"Sorry. Um...I don't know"

"It's fine. We can ask MJ for help later. So what's wrong? Does it have something to do with career day or Flash?" MJ was in the library because she was helping the librarian organize the shelves today

"No! I just didn't sleep well last night"

"Alright. Then let's go to the library and find MJ. I don't want to do this later" Ned stood up and started grabbing his stuff

I picked up my stuff as well, but I couldn't really focus on homework tonight. I had my first date tonight and I was extremely nervous, but I was Spider-Man, I could do this.

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