Part 19

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A couple days later....

"He totally wrecked my millennium falcon model. Why did my aunt have to visit now? It's bad enough I had to take him trick or treating, but then he ruins our model. You have to come over this weekend and help me rebuild it" Ned complains as I grabbed my books out of my locker

"I will ask my cousin, but that should work. Your cousin sounds like an asshole"

"He is!" Ned said acting like his usual dramatic self

"Aww. Did you two go trick or treating this year? That's so cute" Flash says teasingly

I turned around only to see Flash standing with a few of his friends, more like groupies if you ask me.

"No. I stayed home and watched horror movies, but I appreciate that you took the time to ask about my weekend" I started to walk off with Ned but Flash started tugging on my backpack

"Home? I thought you were a homeless orphan?"

"Really clever, orphan jokes. I'm glad to see you haven't found any new material" Orphan jokes were tired and overused, especially since I heard them from him everyday

"Well look who's fighting back, but I would watch your mouth Penis. You're outnumbered and weak....see you after school" He whispers shoving me against the lockers

"Dude! That was so cool! Did you see his face?" Ned exclaimed excitedly

"Thanks. So tell more about this Spider-Man costume you saw when you were out. You sure it was Spider-Man? Why would Spider-Man go trick or treating?"

"Superheroes needs candy too" He argued, and I couldn't disagree


When our last class ended, I quickly walked out of the class and made my way to Happy.

"Oh Parker! Where you going?" He yelled grabbing my backpack and throwing me against the lockers

"I need to leave Flash" I told him

"Not yet you don't. You think I'm just gonna let you go after what happened this morning?"

"Fuck off Flash!"

Before he could respond, I felt a punch hit my cheek. He punched once more in the eye and kicked me in the ribs. I fell on the floor and held my stomach. One punch is all it would take to knock him out.

"Get up Penis! Giving up so early!" He yelled kicking me again

I closed my eyes and laid on the ground as I heard him walk away. What kind of superhero let's himself get bullied everyday? A weak one. I finally stood up and wiped the blood from my nose. I put on my hoodie and walked outside to Happy's car.

"Hey where were you?" He asked annoyed

"I had to talk to my teacher, I'm sorry" I told him as I leaned against the window

He finally began driving and I could finally get away from this hellhole. School wasn't that far from the tower, so it wasn't long before we made it home. I heard Happy say something but I just ignored it and ran inside. I just wanted to go lay down and do my homework. When the elevator opened to my floor, I immediately saw mom and dad standing in front me.

"What did I do now?" I asked them still hiding my face and looking down

"Oh nothing. Happy just mentioned that something was wrong. So do you have something you wanted to talk about?" Dad asked, but I was not in the mood

"No thanks. I'm fine, but I have homework" I walked past them and started going towards me room

"Stop walking and look at me young man" Mom said firmly, and I immediately stopped

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