Part 39

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I immediately opened my eyes at the sound of my alarm. I looked around for my phone and realized, it was Christmas morning. It was nearly 8:30, which means most of the adults should already be awake. I was still tired because I was up last night watching Christmas movies with Wanda. I had to make sure she saw all the classics.

I quickly put on my slippers and ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth. It was Christmas! Finally! I didn't bother waiting another second before running downstairs and over to the elevator. I rode down to the avengers floor and was immediately met with a sight of hot cocoa and the fireplace going. I walked out in the livingroom to see presents packed under the tree.

"Merry Christmas sweetie" Mom came out of the kitchen and pulled me in for a hug

"Merry Christmas! Where is everyone?" I asked her

I looked around only to see Nat and Steve who were drinking coffee in the kitchen.

"They decided to sleep in. Merry Christmas Peter" I walk over to the table and give them both hugs

"Merry Christmas. I'm really happy you guys are here. Well I think it's time to wake them up. Friday when I ask, please blast Jingle Bell Rock in every bedroom"

"They're just going to love that. I'll make a fresh pot for the boys. Now go wake up Wanda" Mom ruffles my hair and proceeds to walk in the kitchen

I ran down the hall and I quietly opened Wanda's door. She is wrapped in her blankets and she was cuddling her Spider-Man stuffed animal. She was so adorable, I almost didn't want to wake her. I walked over to her bed and started shaking her shoulder.

"Pretty girl? It's time to wake up" I whispered and I was met with her bright eyes

"Hey baby. What are you doing here?"

"It's Christmas morning. Everyone decided to sleep in, but it won't be that way for long. Merry Christmas Wanda" She leans up and pressed her lips to mine

"Merry Christmas. Alright I'm awake. Just let me brush my teeth and I'll be right out. I can't wait to see how you wake the others" I grabbed her hands and lifted her out of the bed

I walked out of her room and let her finish getting ready. Eventually she joined me in the kitchen and I handed her a cup of hot cocoa that I made. She was still tired, so she leaned her head against me.

"Merry Christmas Wanda. I hope you slept well" Steve says in a fatherly tone

"Merry Christmas Steve. You as well Nat and Pepper"

"Alright. Friday? Do it!"

It's silent only for a moment, that is before I heard shouting coming from a few of the bedrooms. Sam and Bucky were definitely going to get me back for that.

"Friday inform everyone that if they are not out here I'm 5 minutes, they get no presents" Mom says laughing

It was only a couple minutes later when Bruce, Sam, and Bucky walked out of their bedroom tiredly. Sam looked extremely frustrated and he was giving me a death glare.

"Well you guys could've woken up on time. We agreed to meet out here at 8:30" I told them

"I'll be getting you back for that kid. Now move so I can get my coffee" Sam says bitterly

I looked over and Dad immediately walks past me to grab coffee. He usually doesn't usually acknowledge people until he has a drink of coffee. So I didn't take it personally when he completely ignored me.

"That's better. Now Merry Christmas you guys. I loved my wake up call by the way" Dad finally opens his arms and lets me hug him

"Merry Christmas. Now time for presents! Come on" I grabbed Wanda's hand and pulled her to the couch with me

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