Part 29

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The next morning....

I felt better knowing everyone actually believed I was an intern, so I walked out of Happy's car and went into the school.

But something felt off. Everyone was staring at me, and not like they usually did. People whispered about me all the time, but this felt....strange. I even caught some kids taking my picture? What was going on? I didn't see Ned this morning yet, but I went straight to class anyways. I walked into my class and immediately took my seat next to Ned, and he looked kinda angry.

"Dude what the hell! Why didn't you tell me or MJ! I had to hear from Abe!" Ned asked loudly

"What are you talking about?" I asked him and I noticed everyone in class looking at me

I even noticed some kids standing outside of the classroom. Was this about yesterday? People knew I had an internship.

"Turn on the news!" I heard someone shout

Mr. Scott immediately turned on the news and I saw my face pop up.

"Peter Parker really Peter Stark" Read the headline

My heart immediately stopped. What the hell! How did everyone find out? I looked around at all the students looking at me and they immediately started shouting and asking me questions. Before I could think, I grabbed my bag and ran out of the classroom pushing past the students. I ran to a nearby closet and slammed the door shut.

This is not good!

Tony's pov

This meeting was boring and I couldn't even look at my phone because phones were not allowed. My phone was going off like crazy, but I couldn't look at it.

As the Vice President continued speaking, the door opened.

"Friday turn on the news!" Steve yelled running in with Natasha at his side

Friday immediately pulled on the news and I could see Peter's face everywhere. What the hell! I looked over at Pepper and she stood up and looked at her phone.

"We're here, Live at Midtown School of Science and Technology! It has been revealed that Peter Parker, who we previously knew as Mr. Starks personal intern, is actually Peter Stark, son of Pepper and Tony Stark. Crowds and press are already gathering outside the school hoping to take pictures of the Stark heir"

"Happy! Get the car!" I yelled and he quickly walked out of the room

"Nat and Steve? I need you to come and wrangle the press. Let's go. Peter's vitals are already sky rocketing. Pepper I need you to go schedule a press conference immediately" I kissed her cheek and we all ran out and went straight to the car

Peter's pov

Everyone started shouting at me and taking pictures, I had to get out of there. How did they get my name? How did people even find out? I tried to breathe but I could feel my insides shifting. People weren't supposed to know yet.

I heard my phone starting to ring and immediately picked it up knowing who it was.


"Dad! They're surrounding the school! What do I do? How did they even find out?" I asked him starting to panic again

"I don't know, but we're on our way. Where are you?"

"In the supply closet next to my chemistry class. My teacher turned on the news and my face was everywhere. I ran out when everyone started yelling and asking questions"

"We're coming. Be ready"

I hung up and stayed in the closet. It wasn't long before I heard knocking on the other side of the door.

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