Part 18

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A couple weeks later....

Bruce's pov

"He's been training with Nat. It won't work. His reflexes are too good" Bruce said watching Clint climb in the vents

"Yes it will. I bet you 20 bucks" Clint said through the vents

"Fine. 20 bucks. Peter won't get scared" I told him

Peter has a spider sense, he won't get scared. He can tell when someone is sneaking up on him, both threat and non threatening.

"What are you two arguing about?" Steve asked walking out of the elevator

"Clint is hiding in the vents. He wants to scare Peter when he gets home. I told him it won't work, and when I'm right, he owes me 20 bucks" Bruce explained walking over and taking a seat on the couch with the rest of the team

"Well I can't wait to see Clint lose. Peter will be here any minute" Steve stood off in the kitchen and waited

"You seem sure of yourself. His reflexes are good, but not that good" Nat said linking her arm with mine

Just then the elevator opened. I saw Peter walk in and he immediately stopped looking at his phone and glanced up. He put his phone away and took a step to the left. A couple seconds later, Clint fell out of the vents and screamed.

"I heard you. For a spy you breathe loudly. I felt like something was off. What were you trying to do? Scare me?" Peter told him and laughed

"Dammit! How do you do that? You're the only one I can't scare" Clint asked and Peter just smiled and put his backpack down

Peter's pov

"So what's the plan for tomorrow? What do you guys do on Halloween?" I asked them taking a seat on the couch

"Well we thought about a horror movie marathon. All the classics. Want to join? Or do you and your little friends go trick or treating" Clint said pinching my cheeks

"I'm not a kid. And every Halloween I hang out with Ned and eat candy and watch horror movies. But Ned has to take his little cousin out, so I'm free" I explained to them

"Good. Horror movie marathon"

"I don't know about that, Peter and Wanda are still young and they shouldn't see movies like that" Steve said intervening

"Wanda has been through enough hell in her life, surely she can handle a few horror movies. And Peter said he watches them every Halloween. I'm sure Tony and Pepper won't mind" Nat said defensively

"They won't, and mom is still in China. I promise I will be fine. It will be awesome"

Horror movies were practically nothing. Sure Ned and I got scared, but the others didn't need to know that. Tomorrow was going to be awesome.

The next day....

"Alright who's up first? We each choose our favorite"

Everyone was sitting on the couches and the floor wrapped up in blankets and eating candy. I was sitting on the end of the couch right next to Wanda, while Nat and Bruce were cuddling was on the other side of her. Meanwhile Clint, Bucky, and Steve took another couch. Sam was sitting on the ground and Dad took the armchair. It was perfect.

"Let's start off with a classic....I vote poltergeist" Dad said telling Friday to start the movie

All the lights were shut off and I was sharing a bag of candy with Wanda. Neither Wanda or I have seen this movie, so I was excited. The movie wasn't that scary so far, but more creepy. I read up on the legend behind this movie and that only made the movie even more creepy.

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