Part 35

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Gym class. Probably my least favorite class of the day. It wasn't that I'm not athletic, I just have to hold back in this class. Before I became Spider-Man and before the press found out about me, I was just another unpopular nerd who sucked at gym. So this wasn't my most favorite thing.

But my gym teacher told me that I needed to start trying harder because he's seen me do push ups and knows I could be doing better.

Once I was changed I walked out of the locker room with Ned and up to the gym.

"Alright class! Today we are testing cardio. So ladies please line up and start running back and forth. You may stop whenever, but just run as long as you can. Boys go sit on the bleachers and wait you turn" The coach announced

I walked over and took a seat next to Ned on the bleachers and waited with the rest of the boys.

"Hey Stark!" Flash called but didn't I bother paying attention to him

Even after I told him repeatedly that we are not friends, he still acts like we are. He tries to talk to me at lunch and during classes, and keeps asking if I can get him an internship. He was clearly not getting the hint.

Once the whistle blew, all the girls started running, except Michelle. I could tell the gym teacher didn't care anymore, because Michelle always argued about some feminist thing when it came to gym class. She did put in effort, just not all the time.

"Wow you put in lots of effort today" I told her as she took a seat next to me

"Thanks. I try. The teacher usually passes me anyways. He is probably just annoyed that I keep arguing with him. But now I can spend my time doing something interesting" She said pulling out her book

"So how's the girlfriend? I still can't believe you're dating scarlet witch. That's crazy" Ned asks me shaking his head

"She is still a little upset at me for pranking her a couple days ago. It's just a bit awkward, but she is still wonderful. What about you? I swear Betty is flirting with you everyday and yet neither one of you are doing anything. It's kinda hard to watch" I told him

"I agree. You two just need to get on with it. If you ring the buzzer for Betty one more time, when she is perfectly capable of doing so herself, I will chuck one of my books at your head" MJ looks up from her book and gives him one of her looks

"I feel attacked"

The whistle finally blew and it was our time to run. Usually i wasn't going to put in much effort, but I felt like I needed to run. I lined up next to Ned and started running when the whistle blew.

Ned told me that I didn't need to run with him, so I didn't. I ran faster back and forth and ignored everything and everyone around me. People were walking out already, but I just kept running. I was clearly stuck in my own thoughts because I didn't realize that the whistle blew.

"Stark!" I heard someone yell and I stopped running

I looked around to see my whole class sitting in the bleachers and I was still running.

"You've been running for 20 minutes without slowing down. How are you not tired?" The teacher asks me, and everyone looks at me expecting an answer

"I run a lot" I told him

Without thinking, I lifted my shirt and wiped the sweat off my forehead. I didn't realize that everyone was staring at me, that was until I heard everyone gasp.

"Holy shit!"

"Did you see those abs?"

"Peter is jacked"

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