Part 28

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I moved away from Flash and stayed with MJ. I was not going to let him get to me. He's lucky Mr. Scott stopped him or I would've beat his ass for talking about Wanda like that. The tour was almost over, thank goodness. After lunch Kate took us straight to the training room, which I was not looking forward to.

"Alright class! Here is the training room" Kate says opening the doors

We all walked in and I could see everyone working out and sparring. The training room was huge. It had an indoor track both on the ground and ceiling, tons of weights, cardio machines, a space for sparring, a weapons display, ballet bars, and a gymnastics area. I loved it down here.

"You must be the group from midtown. I'm Captain America, and of course we have Widow and Hawkeye" Uncle Steve says introducing everyone

Aunt Nat and Uncle Clint were sparring and didn't really pay attention to us. Sparring was a generous term, Nat was just throwing Clint over her shoulder. The class started cheering on Nat as we all watched the fight. Clint was clearly losing, which happened a lot. Finally when Nat pinned Clint down, the class cheered.

"Thank you everyone. I'm Natasha or Black Widow. Now we promised a demonstration, so any brave souls want to spar with me?"

"Don't do it. You will lose and she will knock you on your ass with no remorse. You know exactly what I'm talking about Petey-Pie" Clint says angrily before walking over and pinching my cheek

I pushed my hand away from me, and he just laughed as he walked out of the training room

"I won't hurt any of you, but just in case, Petey get your ass over here. Tony won't mind if I spar with you. It's not like we haven't done it before" Nat smiled and walked back over to the sparring mat

I looked at my class and I could hear some of them laugh. I was going to get thrown on my ass, and everyone knew it. MJ even pushed me toward her. That traitor.

"Peter Benjamin, get over here!" She yelled and immediately walked over to her

Why did she have to say my whole name? Aunt Nat was very scary when she wanted to be, so I was not going to make her upset. I honestly didn't care what everyone was saying about me right now. So I took off my jacket and shoes and got in position.

"I've been training Peter for months. So he is pretty good" Nat smiled at me, and I already knew I was a goner

I used some of the moves she taught me and I was actually holding my own. She tried punching me but I dodged and I kicked her in the ribs. I was doing pretty good and making sure not to use my full strength. I thought I was doing well, that was until she caught my arm and flipped me on the ground.

"You did well Peter. I can see you've been practicing" uncle Steve told me

"Thanks Steve" I gave Nat a quick hug before putting my shoes and jacket back on

"Ha! You totally got flipped on your ass!" Flash yelled

"He was actually holding his own. You probably wouldn't last 5 seconds against Black Widow Eugene" MJ laughed

"I still can't believe he knows Black Widow and Captain America" Cindy exclaimed

A few other people complimented me, which I really appreciated. I could probably have done better if she knew about my powers, but that would not be for a while.

The next 20 minutes were filled with Uncle Steve demonstrating fighting stances and talking about a few of his missions. It was actually pretty cool.

"Alright. Now our final stop is a Q&A with Mr. and Mrs. Stark. Please don't crowd them or scream at them, raise your hands, and under no circumstances, hand Mr. Stark something. He hates getting handed things" Kate told us leading us towards the elevator once again

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