Part 3

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A few days later....

"Aunt May! I'm home! Mr. Stark gave me such good advice, and I think it went really well. He had us working on the Iron Man suit today. It was so awesome. I think he really likes me because he is always calling me his kid. I mean I think I'm starting to see him as a father figure, which is weird. Hello! Aunt May!" I quickly ran through my apartment to find my aunt and tell her all about the internship

She doesn't know that I'm Spider-Man because she would immediately find some way to stop me. But we actually did get to work on the Iron Man suit today and it was so cool. I had no idea where she was, so I ran to my room and unpacked all my stuff. She was probably just sleeping or something.

I looked everywhere and I finally walked into her room. Why was she laying on the ground? She wasn't moving? I called her name but she wasn't moving.

"Aunt May! Wake up please what's wrong! Aunt May!" I kept shouting and shaking her shoulder but she wasn't moving

Tears were falling down my cheeks and I didn't know what else to do.

I quickly ran to my neighbors and told her what was happening. Next thing I knew, I was sitting in the living room as the police asked me questions. Everything went black after that.


"Peter! Please wake up sweetie!" I sat up and felt my father's arms around me

I couldn't stop shaking or crying. I held on to him and he rubbed my back. My mom sat next to me and started running her hand through my hair. They always did that.

"Friday told us you were having a nightmare"

"It was May....she was on the ground...she wasn't moving" I could feel myself starting cry again

My mom said she was going to grab me some water before I felt her move off my bed. I stayed in my dad's arms and he started whispering to me. I didn't even realize how tired I was, because I fell back asleep.

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed and my head was pounding.

"Friday? Where is mom and dad?" I asked her

"They are currently taking showers and getting ready. They would like you to go grab some breakfast before going back to sleep" Friday told me

I was still tired from last night and all I wanted was my parents. But I got out of bed anyway and headed to the kitchen to grab some food. My senses started to feel off somehow and I felt more anxious than usual. Maybe I was just tired? Sensory overload is terrible when I wake up in the morning. I rubbed my eyes and started looking through the cupboards, but something caught my attention. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck starting to move. I know it wasn't mom or dad.

"You have 10 seconds to tell me who you are" I heard someone ask behind me

I felt my body starting to shake again. I was already on edge today, so I was scared to see who it was. I turned around only to see the avengers? The avengers! Why were they here? Did dad know they were coming, and he didn't tell me? I didn't know what else to do. I don't trust them, they are nothing but dangerous criminals. They started walking closer to me and pulled out their weapons. Captain America, Black Widow, Falcon, Hawkeye, Bruce Banner, and the Winter Soldier? They were all here!

"I'm going to ask you again! Who are you?" Captain America asked me

Captain America was talking to me! I didn't know if I should feel scared or mad.


I wasn't allowed to tell people who I was, even if they were the avengers. When I didn't say anything, they started to crowd around me so crouched to the ground. They were trying to talk to me and they started shouting. I felt my head throb and I held my hands to my ears and closed my eyes.

Sensory overload!

It wouldn't stop!

It needed to stop!

Stop shouting!

"Move! Get away from him" My eyes were still closed but I heard my mom starting to yell and wrap her arms around me

I opened my eyes and she started walking me back to my room.

"Are you alright? Friday said you were having sensory overload" My dad asks handing me my headphones

"Tony go deal with them!" Mom yelled and she took me to my room

Tony's pov

I should kill them for scaring my son and giving him a panic attack. I walked out to the living room and they were all sitting down.

"What are you doing here? You were not supposed to be here yet, let alone on my floor. You not only get here early, but you give the kid a panic attack! What the hell were you trying to do?"

"All we wanted to know was who the kid was" Steve said crossing his arms

"We thought he was an intruder, you never told us someone else lived here. Yes, weapons might not have been smart, but I've known children younger than him that have tried to kill me" Natasha said moving her hands on her hips

"I was going to tell you everything at the meeting we were supposed to have, but you all came early. So how about this, Friday will tell you where your rooms are, then once you're settled I will come down and explain everything. There are some things we need to discuss. Friday, please take them to their rooms!" I yelled before walking back out and into Peter's room

Pepper had her hand running through Peter's hair as he laid his head on her lap.

"Hey buddy. Are you alright?"

"Yeah. They just wouldn't stop shouting and yelling. I could feel my senses start to shake. I couldn't move" Peter whispered

"Well I guess you are probably wondering what they are doing here. The meeting we had a while ago, well turns out that while on probation, they need to live here. We were going to tell you but they came a few days early. I'm sorry bud" I took a seat on the other side of the bed next to him

"That was not how you were supposed to meet them" Pepper whispers still running her hand through his hair

"What are you going to tell them? That I'm your son? Or that I'm Spider-Man?" Peter asked me

"Well that's up to you. We won't tell them anything that you don't want us to"

"You should tell them that I'm your intern. I don't want those traitors to know I'm Spider-Man or that I'm your son. I don't trust them....except Dr. Banner. I want to meet him" Peter said finally sitting up


"Now that you have all heard the rules and signed the contracts stating that you must remain in the tower for as long as probation lasts, we need to talk about the most important thing. And I don't mean whether or not I forgive you all, I'm starting to forgive you for what you have done, but it will take some time" I told them, and they all nodded their heads

I knew they were sorry for everything, even Bucky looked guilty.

"How is your venting system?" Clint asked him raising his hand

"Shut up Clint. Who's the kid?" Bucky asked

"That is my intern Peter. So you will see him around, but don't bother him ever. He is working most of the time" I told them

"Intern? You don't have interns. And even if he was an intern, why was he dressed in pajamas?" Sam asked

"He stays here sometimes, so he is wearing what he wants"

"So can we talk to him? You know without pointing weapons at him. We tried to ask before all that, but he wasn't answering" Clint asked not looking up from his video game

"He probably didn't want to talk to you. There that's all the questions I'm answering. See you later" I didn't bother answering any more of their questions and walked back to the elevator

Hopefully this won't happen again anytime soon. Peter would have to meet them eventually and they would find out he is my kid. But for now everything would be fine.

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