Part 14

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"This is all your fault!" Clint yelled pointing to the window

"No it wasn't! It was your idea to mess with nerf guns in the house" Bucky yelled

"Yeah well the kid is the one who added some sort of technology that made the guns extra powerful. And besides Sam shot you in the face, so it's his fault" Clint exclaimed pointing at me

"You guys asked me to!" How could they blame this on me? I'm the one who got hurt

"Yeah and you listened, besides all Stark is gonna see is that you're hurt! So we get to have our asses handed to us" Clint yelled at me

"I'm not getting in trouble. I shot him by accident. Who was the one that let a supersoldier have a baseball bat inside?" Sam said and Bucky looked like he was ready to punch Sam in the face

"Would you all shut up! Jesus! We can hear you yelling from upstairs. Now does someone want to tell me why my kid is bleeding!" Dad yelled running over to me on the couch

"What happened to the window? And why is there a broken lamp on the ground?" Steve asked looking around the room

The girls are away on some weekend spa trip, so Clint thought it would be a great idea to play nerf gun baseball in the house. It was Sam and Clint versus Bucky and I. And they asked me to enhance the nerf guns, which was probably my first mistake.

"Well....the kid accidentally got smacked in the face with baseball bat. It was all Clint's fault, he let the bat go and it hit Peter in the face. Then Bucky let the bat hit the window, only because Sam shot him in the face with the nerf bullet by accident. Then Peter knocked over the lamp running to second base" Rhodey explained

Uncle Rhodey wasn't playing, but he was doing work at the kitchen table while we were playing. He probably should've stopped us before it got out of hand.

I looked at my dad and he was holding his head, he only did that when he was mad. Steve crossed his arms and had his disappointed face on. They were definitely going to get a lecture.

"Peter are you okay?" Dad asked grabbing tissue and holding it to my nose

"Yeah....I think it's broken" I knew I would heal within a day, but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt

"The girls are never leaving again, they are the only ones keeping us balanced. Clean up this mess up now! Steve you can lecture them all you want, I'm going to take my son to the medbay" Dad helped me up and we walked to the elevator

"I'm sorry dad. Don't be mad at them, it was an accident" I told him still holding my nose

"I know, but they are supposed to be the adults. But instead I come downstairs to see them arguing like children while my son is hurt. Pepper is going to kill me"

We went downstairs to the medbay and uncle Bruce gave me some powerful pain medicine. Dad was going to tell the others that my nose was not broken, just bleeding. It actually was broken, but there was no other explanation on how it healed so fast.

"Okay. Now I'm not Cap, so this is going to be quick. If those guys are doing something stupid, don't follow what their doing. I'm glad you had fun, but the minute something broke, you should've stopped playing. Just be careful next time" He put his arm around my shoulder and we walked out of the medbay

"I will. Now do you want to tell mom or should I? She probably will be less mad if I tell her what happened" I asked him and he rubbed his forehead

"I will be the responsible adult and tell her, now go back upstairs. I'm sure Cap will want to lecture you too"

I went back upstairs to see everyone sitting in the couch. They looked guilty when Cap started to talking to them.

"Peter....we are very sorry. The game got out of hand. We are supposed to be good influences and responsible adults. So we're sorry if we didn't do so well" Clint said

"It's totally fine. The game was really fun, and we should totally play again soon. Just next time in the training room, that way we have more space and it will be less dangerous. You guys don't need to feel guilty"

"Yeah, but now we have to face Pepper when she gets home" Sam said and I laughed

"How about we watch a movie instead?" Steve asked the group

He put his arm around Bucky and he walked to the couches.

"Nah. I have to pack. I'm going to my house for the week" Clint said before running to the elevator and going downstairs

Every other week, Clint went to visit his family. It was nice that he could still see them, even with the accords.

I sat next to Sam while Steve and Bucky took the other couch. They decided to put on Top Gun, which I have never seen. The movie was really good so far, except for one scene that Bucky skipped through. Apparently I wasn't old enough to watch what happened.

"Kid? Your mom wants confirmation that you're alive and not bleeding to death" Dad said handing me his phone

"Baby are you okay? Are you hurt? I'm going to kill them for playing that stupid game with you" Mom asked though the phone

"I'm fine mom. It was just a little accident. I promise I'm healthy and not dying" I told her hoping to lighten the mood

"Good. Now what made you think about playing baseball in the house?" She scolds

"Clint said it was a good idea" I hated throwing him under the bus, but I didn't want to get in trouble

"Well Clint is supposed to be an adult! And you know better than to do that in the house. I'm glad you're okay, but you better not do that again"

"I won't. I promise. Now please go back and enjoy your weekend. You shouldn't have to worry about us, just relax"

"Okay. I love you and will see you tomorrow"

"I love you too"

I handed dad back the phone and he started laughing. He said Clint was going to be in big trouble with Nat and mom, because it was basically his fault that I got hurt.

"Okay well I would not want to be Clint right now"

"Yeah me either. So what do you all want for dinner, because I'm not cooking. So how about Chinese?" Dad asked

"Great idea. I haven't had Chinese food since before the army"

"I didn't think they had Chinese food in the Stone Age" Sam said throwing a pillow at Bucky's head

We all started laughing, even Steve. Dad told Friday to order the food and we all sat down and finished the movie. Bucky then went on to talk about the first time he met Steve, getting beaten up in an alley.

Tony's pov

Ring ring ring

I heard Peter's phone go off, and he immediately smiled and picked up the phone.

"Hey Wanda" He whispered probably because everyone was staring at him

"Ooh girlfriend alert" Sam laughed

"She is probably checking to make sure her baby isn't too badly hurt" Clint teased as he ate his chicken

"Yeah they are just being annoying.....No I won't tell him that....Really? That sounds like fun.....Yeah please hurry. I don't know how much longer I can be around all these old guys.....No I'm fine. Clint apologized and everything is good now, I promise. I miss you too. Go enjoy your weekend and I will see you tomorrow" Peter then hung up and put his phone back in his pocket

Once he was finished with his food, I saw him go upstairs. He had to go on patrol tonight, so I knew I wouldn't see him for the rest of the night. That boy was completely smitten with Wanda, and he doesn't even realize it.


This chapter was fun to write. I hope you guys are liking the story so far. It's my first marvel fanfic, so I'm nervous. Anyways please vote, comment, and follow me if you want. I update once a week, just to let you all know.

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