Part 31

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I had a week off school, which I was thankful for. I needed time to get my thoughts in order and try to figure out this new reality. I haven't made any appearances in the building yet, so that's my job this week.

"Peter I need you to go downstairs to security and grab your new badge" Mom asked me

I really didn't want to leave the safety of the penthouse, but I knew better than to argue with mom about something. So here I am taking the elevator to the bottom floor and going to security.

"Hey Friday? Anything interesting going on in the building?"

"Not currently. There is a tour group coming in approximately one hour"


"Of course Peter"

Once I reached the bottom floor, I walked out of the elevator and headed to the security check in. As I was walking I could feel people staring at me and whispering. I looked around but everyone just turned their heads and kept doing what they were doing. Strange? Once I got to check in, I could see a few security guards behind the desk arguing about something.

"Um excuse me?" I asked them, but they didn't notice me

"Hello?" One of the security guards held a finger up to me signaling me that he would only be a minute

I was starting to get irritated. From the sound of their argument, they were talking about the night shift. That is great and all, but I didn't want to wait until there conversation was over, I had other things to do. This was honestly unprofessional. What if I was the boss? Wait....technically I am the boss.

"Yeah...I've been trying to get your attention. I need my new security badge" I told them

"Listen kid...." They all turned to me and I saw the look of fear appear on their faces

"You're...." One of them starts to say, but I cut them off before they could finish

"Peter Stark? Yeah and I hate to interrupt your argument, but I've been trying to get your attention for awhile. I need my new security badge please" I told them again

They all started scrambling and looking around their desk probably trying to find my badge. Finally one of the guys smiled and handed me my badge.

"I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting sir. That will never happen again, I assure you. Here is your badge just like you asked" He smiled nervously and handed me my new badge

My new badge was white with a shiny gold outline, and it had my new name on it. Peter Stark.

"Thank you. And just a piece of advice, I really wouldn't argue in front of people who need assistance. It just seems unprofessional. But no hard feelings and don't worry, I won't tell my parents. Have a good day" I told them and they all nodded

Not bad. I think I did pretty well confronting them and giving them constructive criticism. Is this what it feels like to be in charge of people? I don't know how I feel about this.

Once I put on my badge, everything seemed so much more professional. I was officially Peter Stark. I walked back to the elevator and headed up to the intern labs. Mom asked me to make an appearance, which I usually did twice a month.

As I walked onto the floor, I felt the whole room stop. I looked around and all the interns just stopped and stared at me. Some looked star stuck while others looked....nervous. I just continued my walk and went inside one of the labs. Of course, none of them even tried to approach me or even make any sudden movements and I could see some of them fixing their clothes and work stations. I guess I needed to make the first move.

"Hello? I just came to see how you guys are doing on your prototypes. I know the Stark phones were approved and you guys are working on fixing any issues" I asked the group of about 10 people

Some people didn't really move or talk, that was until someone got pushed towards me. She smiled nervously before stuttering on her words.

"We are nearly finished Mr. Stark. You can check over our work if you would like....if you're not too busy. Well I mean you are always busy, so you don't need to help us. Not that we don't want your help! But yes we are nearly finished and ready for final approval"

"Alright. That's great. I guess I'll be going then, but I will be coming back more often to see if I can help with anything" I told them before walking out

Most of them were older than me, and they probably didn't want some kids help. But I just thought if they ever needed an extra hand, I could help. I'm sure once they get used to me, they won't act so nervous.

"Hello Mr. Stark! It's strange that I can finally call you that out loud. How are you doing? Do you need anything?" Emily asked me

"No. I'm fine. People are just acting weird when they see me, and I think they are too scared to talk to me" I explained to her and she laughed

"They act the same way when either of your parents make an appearance. Even government officials and security guards are intimidated by your mother. But eventually they will get used to it and will act less awkward. You're the new celebrity around the tower and people just need time to get used to that"

"Thanks Emily. I'm glad you're mom's assistant" I told her and she nodded her head

"Well I should go Mr. Stark. Have a good day" She said sweetly

I always liked Emily. She was probably 10 years older than me, but she was so smart. Mom was lucky to have her. I didn't try to go to the other labs because I had the rest of the week to make appearances. So I just took the elevator back to the penthouse.

"Hey Peter! Wanna play?" Aunt Nat asked holding up one of the controllers

I immediately sat down next to her and took the controller from her hand.

"So how's it going Peter? Did people pass out when you walked past them in the hallway?"

"No. They just stopped and stared. Some organized their work stations and others were too nervous to talk to me. So I just came back up here" I explained to her

"Yeah. But you get used to it. Pay attention Peter! I'm already on my third lap" Nat said not looking away from the tv

"Yeah and guess who is catching up! And....hell yeah! First place. In your face loser!" I yelled tossing my controller

She glared at me and started smiling. I just realized what I did.

"Auntie Nat....I'm so sorry. I'm just not used to playing with you. I got excited. Please don't kill me" I begged her

"It's alright my dear nephew. It's all part of the game. If you were anyone else, you would be a goner. But how about we play a few more rounds" She suggested handing me back the controller

I tried to keep myself in check as we played the next few rounds. I was not going to be on the other end of Natasha's anger. She was already pissed at uncle Steve because he switched out her Lucky Charms for Raisin Bran.

"Hey aunt Nat? Do you think people will treat me differently when I have to go back to school. I'm nervous"

"Of course they will. But you're strong and you can handle it. Just like the employees, the buzz will start to die down. But most likely, it won't ever be the same again. You will always be the center of attention from now on. But don't worry, you have us to protect you" She paused the game and placed her arm around my shoulder

"Thank Aunt Nat. I really love you"

"I love you too Peter and if you tell anyone, I will deny it" She jokes and pulls me in for a quick hug


For those who are wondering, they will find out about everything VERY soon including Spider-Man, and Peter's relationship with Wanda.

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