Part 38

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Christmas was coming fast and I was excited. Today Ned and MJ were coming over for the first time. I promised MJ that she could meet mom and aunt Nat, and I wanted to introduce them to Wanda.

I was waiting in the penthouse for Friday to inform me of their arrival. This was going to be awesome because we could exchange gifts. For MJ, I got her a brand new leather bound sketch book and Ned was getting a couple of LEGO sets.

"Peter, your friends have arrived at security" Friday announced

I quickly ran to the elevator and went straight downstairs to the bottom floor. I walked out and I could see them waiting. Ned was practically jumping with excitement and MJ just looked like MJ.

I ran over to security and gave them both a hug.

"I need two guest passes please. Level gold. I will cancel them after they leave" I told one the the security guards

He nervously ran and started printing them immediately. Security is still on edge around me after what happened last time I asked for a pass.

"He acted like a chicken, running around nervously. I wish I could make people do that" MJ said grabbing her pass out of my hands

"No you don't. Alright let's go up to the penthouse. I can show you guys around and give you your gifts. Then I will introduce you to my family"

"I can't believe we're meeting the avengers! I think I might pass out. MJ how are you so calm!" Ned excitedly grabs his pass and we all start to head towards the elevator

"Ned, would you chill? They're just people. Besides the only ones getting excited over are Pepper Potts-Stark, Black Widow, and Scarlet Witch" I already know that MJ will get along with all the women, because they are all scary and powerful women

"They will all be there. Ned, I need you to calm down and try not freaking out"

"I will try, but dude! I wonder what they are doing right now?"

We took the elevator up the penthouse and was immediately welcomed by Mom, who was standing in the kitchen. She clearly didn't notice us yet, because she was typing away on her Stark tablet. She was dressed with a clean white suit and her hair was tied up in a tight bun. She must've just come from a meeting.

"Holy shit" I need MJ whisper

"Mom my friends are here" I told her and she immediately looked up and placed the tablet back on the counter

"Hello sweetie. It's nice to meet you both in person. Welcome to our home. You're MJ right? I remember you from the field trip, and Peter told me a lot about you"

"It's an honor to meet you Mrs. Stark. I once wrote an essay about you and how you are a leader of the feminist movement"

"I would love to read that. You are allowed to come here anytime. There needs more girls like you around here, MJ. If you're ever looking a job in the future or just advice, don't hesitate to talk to me" Mom said happily before grabbing a piece of paper and writing her number on it

She handed it to MJ and I swear she looked like she just had a heart attack.

"Thank you so much"

"Of course. Now you must be Ned. I was wondering how long it would take Peter to invite you over. Peter has a few LEGO sets that are still in the box, I'm sure you two could build them sometime soon"

"Yeah" He whispered and just continued to look at her with awe

If this is how he was going to react to meeting mom, I was worried how he was going to react to meeting the others.

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