Chapter Two :The Labyrinth

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It's been five hours already and Rachel hasn't returned to the tower. Gar became worried and feared she might've ran away to keep them safe. The tower was build with see-through walls made of glass. Gar stood in front of the glass wall with his arms folded and looked at the city. "Where could she be?" He wondered. He's getting restless and wants to assure himself she was safe. "She's been gone since morning, something isn't right."

"Hey Gar come on let's get a head start on that video game. We have to get to the final level before midnight and play against ourselves to see who wins." Cyborg said with excitement from behind. But Gar zoned out on him. "Dude, are you even listening?" Cyborg grabbed him by the shoulder.

"What?" He asked as he returned back to reality.

"Dude! You didn't hear a shit I said! What gives?

"It's Rachel; she's been gone for five hours. I'm afraid something bad might've happened to her."

"She's Rachel bro, bad things are afraid of her." Cyborg replied sarcastically.

"I'm being serious." Gar said more concerned.

"Gar's right." Dick walked in, "It's unusual for her to be gone this long but she might want to be alone after today's incident." Dick said trying to calm Gar.

"Incident? I think it was a catastrophe!" Cyborg said with a stern look on his face.

"You're not helping Cyborg!" Dick cautioned, "Look Gar let's just let her be and by tomorrow if she's not back yet then we'll go look for her."

"What if tomorrow's too late?"

"She can handle herself, alright?" Gar unfolds his arm and makes his way to his room. Dick is worried as well that something might've happened to Rachel as well but tries not to show it.

"Since Gar isn't in the mood, do you mind playing video games with me?" Cyborg asked holding up the new Batman Vs Superman death ball game, the latest edition.

"You did not just ask me that right now?" Dick walks up to him with furrowed brows. "Gar's worried about Rachel and so am I, though I don't want to show it."

"You are? I didn't even notice." Cyborg said ironically.

"Huh! Can you just behave right now and forget the games." Dick ordered.

"Hey I'm worried too! I'm a fucking computer; it's hard to show my emotions." Cyborg defended himself.

"Well you sure know how to show your emotions for the video game." Dick replied and left him speechless. Dick stopped, turned and gave him one last look to behave himself before going to his room. Repairs were done to the tower but not all parts of it. Cyborg's room was still a mess and his sleeping pod was destroyed.

"They're talking like it was serious. Look at my room." He muttered to himself and brought out a green thick blanket and spread it on the floor. His computers were destroyed and his weaponry was almost gone. He doesn't hate the girl but if she can't control herself then she's got to go. He's room was total wreck. He lay down on the blanket and slept off.

"Hello! Anybody!!" Rachel screamed but all she could hear was the sand beating against her cloak. She's been walking for hours and the dessert doesn't seem to end. She kept trudging through, her lips were chap and her face was painted with sand. She dragged her feet across the sand and kept calling out to anyone or anything that could help her. Her sight slowly became blurry and she slowly slumped and fell. She lay unconscious for a while and the sands buried her. There was no trace of her or footprints, the sand have covered it all.

"Rachel, wakeup. Wake up. Wake up!" a voice yelled.

"Oooo! Ugh!" She burst through the sand with the help of the goo gasping for air. Her eyes were pitch black and black veins went from her eyes and round her face in separate directions. She saw a figure at a distance waving at her and she teleported herself over there. Her eyes went back to normal and the goo drew back into her. She looked around and couldn't see the figure again. Suddenly she heard something and turned around, behind her was a girl in cloak waving at her to follow her. The girl quickly ran towards a particular direction. "Wait! Where are you going?"

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