Chapter Twelve: The Father Box

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Father Blood's patience is wearing thin. It's been five days already and he hasn't been able to hack into the Father Box nor separate it from Cyborg. He had Cyborg in a tank of blue liquid to keep his vitals stabilized but he was still unconscious.

"If I can't separate it from him then I'll just have to use him as well." Father Blood muttered to himself and smashed his desk knocking over his coffee mug. The coffee spilled over his keyboard and wires and the whole system short circuited. He's at an underground secret base under a light house offshore which he had made several years back for work purposes but hasn't been used for a while. His death bots are stationed at every entry in the case that someone or something might break in. It was hidden with a magnetic force field and couldn't be detected. He's agitated, gnashing his teeth and clenched his fists in rage. He staggered with dark circles under his eyes to the tank where Cyborg was floating in.

"You must be mocking me from in there. Five days has passed and I'm still nowhere. You better be worth losing sleep over." He banged on the glass tank with his forehead bowing his face. His slowly raised his head and stared at his reflection in the translucent tank. Coffee stains adorned his lab coat, his tie was loose and his fingers were quaking. His glasses were tilted a bit to the left and were about to fall off. Ink stains splattered all over his face, hands and clothes. He hasn't bathed since he got to the base. He reeked and didn't mind as long as he cracked the code to controlling the Father Box. His eyelids kept flickering trying to close but he forced them open.

"I can't continue like this, I have to get help at least or else I'm doomed and all this would've been for nothing." He glared at his reflection with his eyes widened like a madman. His hair was tattered along with his beard and moustache which had bread crumbs littered all over it. He took a few steps back and slumped into his seat exhausted. He sat there staring at his devices shut down from the coffee. He sighed and watched his vision slowly became blurry and soon fades away.

"Wake up sir! Wake up!!" A female voice called out to him but he was still deep in sleep. POOOR! A loud horn kicked him off the seat. He leaped into the air and landed on his face.

"I'm up I'm up! Who's there?" He glared around the room with his eyes wide opened as he was very alert.

"Sir it's me, Kendra you're A.I."

"Oh Kendra you're still active all these years?" He gradually got back on his feet dusting the dirt particles of his coat.

"Yes sir, you might've forgotten me but I can never forget you. You're a mess by the way."

"Have you been online since the day I came here?"

"Affirmative and I have to say it was very amusing watching struggle with the Father Box."

"You've been watching me go insane day after day and you didn't say anything? How could you?" He ripped his glasses off his face and threw it to the floor and stomps on it repeatedly till the lenses became ashes. He grabbed his hair in a fit of rage about to yank it off.

"Don't hurt yourself sir, I've only watched you to compile a list of possible ways to utilize the Father Box and I've only one solution."

"Well go on spit out!"

"Since the Cyborg is half human, I suggest we control his brain waves with subliminal frequency. That way you have not just the Father Box but the Cyborg too."

"That's a brilliant idea but I don't think we have the necessary equipments to carry this out. Even we could do this we risk killing the Cyborg because the Father Box would eventually fight back." A secret compartment opens up an android body emerges. Wire connected to its back which Kendra was using to upload herself into the android.

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