Chapter Eight: Two Beasts

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"Ugh! What happened?" Tyler got up holding his head which ached severely. Before him was Neha floating above him untouched. She had no after effects from the nuclear explosion they caused.

How could she still be alright, my head hurts and so as my body. Her strength, where did it come from.

She was ready to obliterate him. She lifted high into the air, absorbed the energy from the sun and fumed in rage. Huge blazing flames engulfed her whole body and she stretched forth her hands, inhaled deeply and let loose the fire.

"What the..."

Tyler stared in awe as the firestorm headed straight for him. He quickly created several domes made of solid ice. He cowered from within dome as he noticed the fire breaking through. He keeps refreezing it so as to keep it together but he could feel the heat, the ice was melting. Drops of water started dripping on him and soon the water filled up half way to the top of the dome. The flames kept coming and soon the domes began to crack and the fire penetrated. A huge BOOM! Broke out and smoke swallowed everything nearby. She swooped down for a closer look to see if he was now reduced to a puddle. The smoke was too visible and she couldn't see clearly till a block of ice flew her way but it melted before reaching her. She was radiating enough heat to melt a frozen lake. The smoke slowly cleared and she saw Tyler floating on water in a huge hole burned deep by the flames. He seemed depleted of energy and was coughing continuously. She floated above the hole about to end it all but then Rachel leaped over and snatched her with her fangs and flung her into a rock nearby. Tyler stared in suspense before the goo from Rachel reached into the hole and grabbed him pulling him up to the surface. She smashed the weak ice king into the ground which was adorned with ashes of everything that burnt in the forest.

"Ugh!" Where the hell am I?" He muttered in pain. The firestorm had somehow melted his armor a bit and his whole body ached. He opened his eyes to see the hideous monster that was Rachel. She growled at him as what looked like a sticky slime dripped off her mouth and covered him.

"I have to change her back." Neha stared at the fearsome beast and her anger died down. The heat radiation stopped and her flames reduced. She took in a deep breath and flew over to her.

"What are you guys doing? That won't work." Dick said.

"Well you're welcomed to make a few suggestions." Cyborg said glaring at him and went back to trying to file his way out of the cage while being careful not to get electrocuted. Father Blood had stripped him of his tools and devices while he was unconscious.

"Why don't Garfield turn into a small animal and go through the bars?" Jason suggested with his face buried in between his folded arms.

"That's actually a good idea, Gar do your thing." Dick said with a glimpse of hope in his eyes.

"But what if I still get electrocuted?"

"Don't you want to find Rachel?"

"Fine, Huh!" He turned around and stripped himself naked and morphed into an ant. He quickly ran through the bars and morphed back as soon as he was out. An alarm went off as motion detectors picked up on his movement and secret compartments within the room opened up and fired laser beams at everything in the room. Sweat popped out of the pore in his skin and his eyeballs shivered and quaked. He quickly dashed to the door leaving behind his friends as soon as the laser beams were fired.

"Gar! Gar!!"

He banged on the metal door that was on lockdown after the motion detectors went off. The doors wouldn't open and the laser beams intensified. Lasers went flying around everywhere and Gar ran around in circles while his heart raced a million miles away. The lasers went through the bars and hit Cyborg and he fell on Jason who quickly tried to use him as a shield.

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