Chapter Twenty: Fire & Ice III

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"This spot is nice." Neha said to Tyler. They walked up the hill and went to the edge of a cliff.

"Why are we here?" Tyler asked

"Sit down." Neha sat down tapping a spot near to her for him to sit on. "Don't you want a little free time from the group? To just think and clear your mind?" Neha asked him

"Umm... I don't think I need to clear..."

"Yes you do, we both do. We need to get our act together and we can't do that if we keep feeling this way and bottle everything up inside."

"What the hell are you talking about? I've got nothing bottled up inside." Tyler said and got up to leave.

"You're a coward Tyler. I am this for reasons beyond my control but you, you created this barrier of ice to keep people away. What are you afraid of? Being hurt?" Neha said and got up too walking towards him. "We're a lone, say whatever it is that is eating you up inside. I'm not afraid of doing so."

"Stop this nonsense; I don't have time for this."

"Time? Where do you think you're going? You have all the time in the world, in this world." Neha said. His back was turned to her. She came closer. "I feel something for you, this is the first time I'm feeling this way in my life and I think you feel it too."

"Stop, this is only going to hurt us."

"Hurt us? If we don't get it off our chests it'll kill us!" Neha said, "We'll probably kill each other due to the way we are but we owe it to each other to answer this question. I love you Tyler."

"Stop! Just stop!!"

"You claim to be a king but you're afraid of admitting how you feel? So that's what you do. You kill whatever it is rather than let them in and feel something all because you're afraid of being hurt. I love you Tyler and deep down you know you feel..." Tyler quickly turned around and kissed her. His cold lips pressed up against hers and in that moment they forgot they were made of fire and ice. They felt no pain but each other's lips intertwined. Small sparks went off and as they continued kissing the sparks increased in size and a big bang went off sending the two in opposite directions of the cliff.

"Ugh... I knew this was a stupid idea." Tyler muttered while getting up slowly, "Neha are you alright?"

"I'm fine. I'm fine!" She screeched in excitement. She got up and quickly ran to Tyler and helped him up.

"Stop! I'll hurt you again. Your fire is gone." Tyler said. He couldn't see clearly due to the shockwave blurring his eyesight.

"Something amazing happened." Neha said sounding happy again.

"Are you the one holding me?" Tyler asked and his sight slowly returned again and he looked up to see a beautiful white girl with red hair. She had full pink lips and her eyes were red and glimmered. She was naked, "Neha?"

"Yes." She said smiling, "The kiss changed us back. We're normal again." She looked at Tyler, he was a young black boy with blue eyes and dreaded black hair. He was in black underwear. "How long have you being wearing that?"

"Since the day I covered my body with ice, I haven't been able to melt down till no so I couldn't change it. How's this even possible." Tyler asked happily.

"You decided to let me in. I don't know how I became normal though but... I have felt any man and I would like that. We don't know how long this will last." Neha said and they began to smooch and fell on the grass. Tyler kissed her neck and whispered dirty words into her ears. She was turned on and grabbed him and pinned him down. She took off his underwear and both fucked like there was no tomorrow.

Suddenly a huge bang went off and an earthquake began shaking everything. The cliff they were on cracked and began to fall apart.

"What was that?" Tyler asked

"Trouble, we have to get back to the others." Neha said and got up.

"Why does it have to be now?" Tyler murmured while putting on his underwear. They both slid down the hill in and ice track Tyler made as they went. "What the fuck is that?"

"Is that your dad?" Todd asked as fear swallowed him whole.

"Yup, that's my sweet daddy." Rachel turned to see Neha and Tyler, "Holy shit what happened to you guys?" Everyone else turned back to see them.

"It's a long story." Tyler replied

"We kissed and changed back." Neha said

"It wasn't a short story after all." Tyler said, "Can we focus on the task at hand? What 's that thing in his hand?"

"It looks like a glowing orb." Rachel replied, "Step back all of you, he wants me so I'll fight him."

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