Chapter Seventeen: The Raven & The Beast

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The goo held Neha tightly and absorbed her. She stared at Rachel's cold face, it was pale and her eye glowed brightly. It was clear she was out for blood. Neha tried her best to break free but Rachel was just too much, her powers were incredible when she didn't hold back. Suddenly out of the blue ice spears went straight for Rachel and Kavax. Kavax quickly defended by slicing the ice spears with sharp claws. Rachel flung Neha aside and her goo went straight for Tyler who was panting heavily in the hot dessert. Though he couldn't feel the harsh heat, he was too tired and it weakened him further.

"I'm the only one allowed to try and kill her!" Tyler said after freezing the goo that came after him. The goo bursts free and grabbed a hold him firmly. He couldn't move his hands or feet. Kavax roared ferociously with his claws out he dashed to cut Tyler in half.

"It seems your cold friend decided to join the fun. I should kill him first since you're not really going to miss him." Trigon said. Rachel screamed and pleaded with him to stop. "You can stop all of this if you just accept your true nature."

"I can't do that!"

"Well then you'll just have to watch everyone die then." Trigon replied with a disappointed look on his face.

"Rachel..." Kavax muttered with a dying breath. The vines had gone round his neck and body a few times and are now squeezing him tightly.

"Stay with me Kavax, we'll get through this. Do you hear me Kavax?" Kavax couldn't respond, he's head faced the ground while the vines squeezed harder. A beast would eventually give up at some point and it seemed Kavax was ready to drop dead.

"Kavax buddy! It's me!!" Tyler said hoping to get through to the raging beast whose eyes were pitch black and mouth foaming. Kavax leaped into the air with his claws ready to penetrate, he swooped down on the Ice King. But unknown to him Tyler was prepared for this attack. As he closed in on him the Ice King blew a small but powerful blizzard and froze the beast. He continued blowing and froze the goo along with Rachel and broke free from the grasp of her goo. He had used all he had and so he smashed into the sands and lost consciousness. Neha got up to see an unconscious Ice King and the frozen pair. The heat of the sun started melting the Kavax and Rachel. Neha quickly lifted Tyler in her arms and though the water dripping from him hurt her she held on to him tight and flew off.

"I underestimated your friends, they're quite powerful but then again that's why I brought them here. You were supposed to absorb their life force and energy and maximize your powers." Trigon said.

"Please stop!" Rachel begged with watery eyes.

"Your tears are of no use daughter, why don't you surprise me like you always do and break free. You trapped the great Trigon here but you can't free yourself from ordinary vines? Pathetic!" Trigon roared and made more vines appear and strangle Kavax more. He believed the only to get her to use her powers as to kill everything she loved and break her heart.

"What happened?" Tyler asked as he regained consciousness. He looked around to see trees surrounding him. "Wasn't I just in the dessert?" He asked so confused. He forced himself on his feet, it was nightfall already which made him wonder how long he was out and what had become of Neha and the rest.


"Neha?" He saw trail of burnt grass leading to what seemed like a small rock that had smoke coming out of it. He was still weak but managed to walk over and discovered it was Neha. Her flames were out. "What happened?"

"I... I carried you here from the dessert." She muttered weakly.

"Why would you risk carrying me when you know you'll be hurt?" Tyler asked concerned.

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